

Research on the Freight Stowage of Luggage Train

【作者】 李质明

【导师】 孙全欣;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着铁路的五次大提速,旅客列车的速度不断提高,在此情况下如何保证行李车的运行安全成为亟待解决的一个重要问题。此外,我国于2004年5月18日开始组织开行了行邮专列,在高速运行的情况下确保行邮专列的安全稳定也是我们急需解决的重要问题。行李车的安全稳定,将直接影响到旅客列车的安全。影响行李车的运行安全的因素有很多,其中行包货物在车内的装载状态和装载方法对安全的影响最为直接。随着行包运输市场需求的变化,行包货物的重量逐渐增加。同时,随着铁路零担货物运输的逐渐减少和最终取消,部分零担货物也将逐渐转移到行包运输上来,使得行包运输的货物种类进一步扩大,运输需求进一步增加。行包货物种类的扩大、装卸方式的改变及行李车种类的增加,导致装载方法的复杂化,这就需要制定一套与之相适应的科学合理的行李车装载方法,以保证行包运输的安全。本文就是从行包货物装载的角度出发,对普通旅客列车挂运行李车以及行邮专列的行李车的货物装载方法进行研究,在研究货物装载现状的基础上,分析了目前存在的问题,然后在比较分析了不同的优化算法之后,建立了适合行李车货物装载的优化模型,并设计了相应的算法。最后通过实例分析,证明了算法的有效性。

【Abstract】 ABSTRACT: Along with the five big accelerations the speed of the passenger train increases step by step. How to ensure the safety of the luggage train becomes an important problem urgently to solve. Moreover, the express train was started on May 18th 2004. Under high speed running keeping the safety and stabilization also is an important problem. The safety and stabilization of the luggage train will straightly influence the safety of the passenger train.There are many factors to influence the safety of the luggage train, of which the freight loading state and stowage are the most direct factors. With the variety of the transport market demand the weight of the luggage increased gradually. At the same time part of the less-than-carload freight distracted to package transport with the drop off and cancellation of the less-than-carload freightage. It broadened the kinds of the freight and enhanced the transport demand. All the things resulted in the complication of the stowage. It is time to set up a suit of scientific and rational loading measures to ensure the safety of luggage.This paper started from the angle of luggage loading and studied on the freight stowage of the common luggage train and express train. Based on the research of the freight loading status, the author analyzed existing problem at present, set up the optimal mathematical model after comparing different optimal algorithms and designed corresponding algorithm. Finally the paper proved the validity of the algorithm by example.

【关键词】 行邮专列安全行李车装载遗传算法
【Key words】 Express TrainSafetyLuggage TrainloadingGenetic Algorithm
  • 【分类号】U294.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】236