

On Study of Liu Qingyun’s Traditional Opera

【作者】 夏冉

【导师】 赵山林;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 刘清韵(1842-1915),海州人,晚清戏曲家,戏曲创作数量之多居历来女曲家之首。清韵生于盐商之家,自幼聪慧,延师受教,沾溉海州学风;既长,嫁为儒生之妻,夫妇唱随相得。清韵生平交游不止于闺阁,曾几度拜师,学习词曲、绘画,中年以后尤致力于戏曲创作。清韵集娴雅气质与散朗性格于一身,思想上具有社会责任感和性别平等意识,创作中蕴涵强烈的自我认知与扬名意识。刘清韵的戏曲内容广泛,主题多元,作家关怀社会人生,感慨世间多缺陷;广泛关注女性命运并立足于现实,进行理智的思考;而作家跨越阶层的平等观念和眷眷乡土之情也借由戏曲得到充分表达。刘清韵的戏曲创作带有温婉又敏锐的女性特质,清韵对“夫权”和“父权”的书写往往只是借用传统的形式,却赋予其悖离传统精神实质的内涵;在个别剧作中更集中反映了清韵为女性寻求角色认同的心态以及对“至情”的解读。刘清韵同样注重戏曲的艺术性,在传奇创作渐趋没落的时代,她的戏曲创作却立足于雅俗共赏,注重舞台演出效果,语言则以平淡自然为美。刘清韵的创作实绩,足以令其在我国戏曲史、女性文学史和近代文学史上占有一席之地;而清韵戏曲的时代意义和性别解读更是值得进一步认识和研究的。

【Abstract】 Liu QingYun (1842-1915), with another name of Guxiang, an important writer of traditional opera of late Qing Dynasty, created the greatest number of traditional operas among all the female opera writers. Born in a salt dealer family , Liu QingYun was very smart and bright when she was young , and she was well-educated with Haizhou style of study; when old enough, she married Confucian scholar. After that, the couple appraised each other and led a happy life. Qingyun who was not limited in the boudoir would love to travel and made friends . She managed to gain access to several teachers to study art of ci and drawings. After the middle age, she especially concentrated on traditional opera creation. Qingyun incorporated elegant qualities and bright scattered character into a single person, having the sense of social responsibility and equal mental consciousness of sex , creating intense ego of middle implication cognition and becoming famous on thought.Liu Qingyun ’ s traditional opera content is broad with multi -elemented subjects . She showed solicitude for society life , and sighed with emotion that there was much defect in the world; She Showed solicitude for female destiny on the basis of reality after considering it reasonably ; whereas the writer was indifferent to levels of class with the feeling of equal concept and she expressed her love to her home village in the form of traditional opera sufficiently. Liu Qingyun ’ s traditional opera has the female characteristic of having tactfully acute female of temperature particularity .She described "authority of husbands" and "handwriting of authority of husbands" sometimes only in the form of tradition style, but conveyed some information of the connotation going against being away from tradition spirit essence; recognition of role for the female was reflected mainly in some Qingyun’ s operas and explanation to "sincere feelings" also was demonstrated . Liu Qingyun paid attention to artist attaching importance to traditional opera at the same time. With the decline of outstanding operas, she managed to have her writing admired by scholars and laymen alike , having attached importance to a stage perform effect .She also used the insipid natural language as her pursuit .Liu Qingyun ’s creation reality achievement, is enough to make her occupy a space in traditional opera history , female history of literature and history of literature the modern times in our country; Moreover, times significance and sex explanation of her traditional operas are worth understanding and studying further.

  • 【分类号】I207.37
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】231