

Seeing the Parody in Atwood’s Novel

【作者】 王英飞

【导师】 陈建华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 玛格丽特·阿特伍德被誉为当今加拿大文学女王,她的作品产量极大,曾发表多部小说、诗歌及文学评论。在巴赫金复调理论的基础上,法国朱利亚·克里斯特娃发展出了互文性理论,而戏仿作为互文性的一种手法,或是漫画式地反映原文,或是挪用原文,表现出与原作的直接关系。尽管过去人们对于戏仿大都不以为然,认为它总是低于原作,但在阿特伍德笔下,戏仿这种手法却得到了极好的运用,作者站在女性主义和民族主义的角度对一些经典文本,如荷马史诗、格林童话以及哥特小说进行了戏仿,在这些作品中,作者将话语权交给了处于边缘地位的女性,从而试图颠覆男性中心话语以及二元对立的思维方式。本文共分三章,导论中介绍了作者生平和作品,并引出了作者经常采用戏仿这一事实,在第一章“忧郁的记忆”中以作者的五部作品《可以吃的女人》、《浮现》、《预言夫人》、《蓝胡子的蛋》和《珀涅罗珀记》为例,具体考察了她对哥特小说、经典文本和自身小说的戏仿。第二章题为“边缘的声音”,探讨了作者经常采用戏仿这一写作手法的契机。第三章“寻找中间地带”指出了作者试图通过变形的手法在二元对立之间找出第三条道路。结论则扼要概括了全文的观点,并指出消解中心的意义。

【Abstract】 Crowned as "the Queen of Canadian literature", the contemporary Canadian writer Margaret Atwood is renowned for her numerous highly acclaimed works ranging from poetry, fiction to criticism.The term "intertextuality" was first coined by Julia Kristeva, based on Bakhtin’s theory of "polyphony", this article covered five of Atwood’ s novels from the angle of parody, As one of the matter of intertextuality, parody embodies the background texts although it was debased before, Atwood employs parody skillfully in her own work in the position of feminism and nationalism, such as Homer epic, fairy tale and the Gothic novel. In these works, Atwood gives the discourse to female in order to deconstruct binary opposition.This article is composed of three chapters. an introduction to Atwood’s life and works, while parody is always seen in her works. Chapter one discusses five of Atwood’s works, which are The Edible Woman, Surfacing, Lady Oracle, The Bluebeard’s Egg and Penelopial. We see how the author parodies Gothic fiction, classical texts and fairy tales. Chapter two discusses why the author employs parody. Chapter three discusses the third way from the position of binary by using of transfiguration.concludes the whole article and give the meaning to decentralization.

【关键词】 戏仿颠覆女性主义民族主义二元对立
【Key words】 parodysubversionfeminismnationalism and binary
  • 【分类号】I711
  • 【被引频次】3
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