

The Study on Establishment States of Ecological Garden in Baosteel and Comprehensive Evaluation

【作者】 钱江勤

【导师】 达良俊;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 生态学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 生态园林以植物造景,构建多样化的植物群落,不仅美化城市景观,满足人们观赏、游憩等需求,而且达到改善生态环境的目的,实现人、植物及其景观、环境三者间的和谐共存。大型工业区是人类劳作的场所,是社会的重要一员,其厂区绿化不仅要考虑到维护从业人员的身心健康,而且要降低对周边环境造成的不良影响和危害。因而随着科学发展观的不断深入,厂区绿化从传统的注重景观向生态与景观并重发展,即以生态平衡为指导,坚持以人为本原则,向大自然学习,用绿色植物造景,在工厂(尤其是大型工厂或工业区如石化、钢铁等)构建多层次,多结构,多功能的植物群落,修复生态系统,保护生物多样性,营造清洁、优美、健康和文明的绿色工厂。本文以国内首次提出生态园林工厂理念和投入实践的宝钢股份公司为研究对象,通过外业调查,分析宝钢厂区生态园林化建设现状。同时,本文从生态园林的内涵和工厂系统的特征出发,尝试构建了生态园林工厂综合评价指标体系和评价模型。并对宝钢生态园林工厂进行评价,在此基础上提出了宝钢厂区绿地改造和优化的措施,为大型工厂绿地建设提供参考。主要研究结果为:植物群落是生态园林的主体,是发挥其多种服务功能的基本单元。宝钢厂区现有人工植被,半自然植被和自然恢复草本群落三部分组成。人工植被在外貌水平上可分为5个类型,其下在生活型水平上划分为12个类型,根据建群种的类型可划分为40个类型,最后划分89个群落类型,不仅具有丰富的林型,而且具有多种功能类型的植物群落,满足不同环境的需求。而厂区独特的气候条件和多样化微环境为各类自然草本提供了生存的机会,采用二元指示种划分方法(Twinspan)可分为12个群落类型,共计59科118属143种自然草本,且人为干扰强度对自然草本植被的分布有显著的影响。而半自然植被出现向地带性植被发展的区域,但物种丰富度还不够高。生物多样性是生态园林的基础和重要内容,是衡量生态园林完善、稳定与否的一个重要指标。宝钢厂区现有维管束植物104科270属403种,苔藓植物18种7科14属。属于上海地区乡土种有57科154属218种,木本有43种,占上海地区乡土木本植物的26.60%,但乡土树种在群落中的运用比重不够高。生活型谱显示大高位芽植物占优,尤以落叶高位芽居多,既符合亚热带常绿阔叶林特征,又具有园林景观特色。同时,宝钢厂区多样化的生境吸引了众多野生动物,其中鸟类资源较丰富,其种类和群落多样性与上海地区生态环境相对较好的江湾机场废弃地和上海外环林带较接近。生态园林通过绿色植物的生理代谢,发挥吸收有害气体,调节小气候、降污减污,净化环境等生态功能。空气负离子水平和微生物数量是常用的衡量空气清洁度的指标,经测定宝钢厂区不同功能区的空气负离子水平和微生物的数量,表明沿江绿地和厂前区的空气质量较好,而其它区域空气环境质量急需改善。同时土壤微生物的数量分布呈现出明显的空间分布特征。并运用Beck底栖动物生物指数法评价水生生态系统结果为宝钢厂区河道出现不同程度的污染。本文基于生态园林的内涵和工厂系统的特征,构建了一套操作性强的生态园林工厂综合指数的评价指标体系,其由稳定度、观赏度、自然度、健康度、经济度和共识度等6个二级指标和17个基本指标组成。并采用层次分析法确定各个指标的权重,通过专家咨询和参照相关标准确定基本指标的标准,最后运用模糊数学法构建评价模型。并对宝钢生态园林工厂综合指数进行评价,得分为93.74,属于“优”等级,表明宝钢已经成为名副其实的生态园林工厂。但部分指标如绿地景观可达性、植物乡土化水平和能自我更新的物种比例等还不够理想,建议加强对厂区绿地的改造和优化。

【Abstract】 As the important constituent of the city green system,the factory (or industrial district) green is the important influence factor of the city’s ecological environment and appearance. Be guiding of the ecological balance theory, insisting the humanist principle, the ecological garden-factory constructs the plant communities with multi-levelly,multi-structures and multi-function,building clean,beautiful,healthy and civilization green factory,with restorationing ecosystem and protecting biodiversity. So,the ecological garden-factory ,as the gradual goal of ecological factory, promots harmonious coexistence of human and nature.Its concepts areincreasing payed more attention.Many large industry successively constructing ecological garden-factory.Taking the ecological garden in Baosteel as the research object, This paper analyzes its present situation and achievements,through the field investigation. Then, attempting to constructing Evaluation System of ecological garden-factory Comprehensive index,the paper evaluats the Comprehensive index of ecological garden-factory in Baosteel. The results in the paper as follows:Plant community,as the main body of Eco-garden,play the role of essential unit in exerting servicing function. According to the geography and the industrial layout,Baosteel reasonably constructs the many kinds of different functions type and the forest type Plant community,which has 5 phsiognomy types, 12 life-form stypes, 40 constructive specie types and 89 dominant specie types.At the same time, the unique climatic conditions and the diverse habitats has provided the survival opportunity for natural herb, which can be divided into 11 types, with Twinspan (Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis) method.The biodiversity as the foundation and important content of eco-garden, is a key target in weighing its perfect and Stable or not.By the investigation of eco-garden in Baosteel,there are 403 vascular plants, belonging to 270 genera and 104 families, 18r plants, belonging to 14genera and 7families.There are 218 native species, belonging to 154 genera and 57 families, with 43 woody plant, occuping 26.60% of native woody species in Shanghai area,which is insufficient in community.The mega-phanerophytes occupy superiorly, especially deciduous mega-phanerophytes is demonstrate in the life-form spectrum,which conforms to the subtropic evergreen broad-leaved forest, but with the garden landscape characteristic.Also,there are rich wild animal resources, 18 mammalias, 45 birds, 12 crawlings and amphibious. Specially, along the Yangtse river green spaces in baosteel survive many aquatic and winter birds,which has the strong attraction to the birds,approaching to the relative better environment areas in shanghai.The determines results indicated the industry layout intensity and air environment has the inverse ratio ,the air environment in low n is better than region in high industrial intensity,which air environment urgently needs to be improvemented. The quantity of edaphon’s and the soil environment condition present the similar phenomenon. And through the Beck index benthos biology, the river system appears the varying degree pollution.Based on the connotation of ecological garden and the characteristic of factory, unifies the Practiceing of ecological garden in Baosteel,the paper has constructed Evaluation System of ecological garden-factory Comprehensive index,by 6 two level indices of Stable degree, aesthetic degree, natural degree, healthy degree,ecomomical degree and Cognition degree,and 17 basic indices.The weightinessof every index is established by using the methods of Stratified analysis .Then, using the Fuzzy Assessmet method to estimate the Comprehensive index of ecological garden in Baosteel, the result shows that baosteel gets the grade of good,with the scoring of 93.74,which indicates that eco-garden in Baosteel places in higher level,on totally.But some of index signs,such as Accessibility of green space, percents of native species,etc.are not enough ideal. Some suggestions about construnting the Approaching nature woodland and waterscape, managementing and monitoring the green space with ecological mothed,in the paper.

  • 【分类号】S732
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