

Research on the Career Ladder Program of Middle School Teachers

【作者】 李应武

【导师】 葛大汇;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 1986年开始,我国对专业技术人员的管理实行“职务聘任”政策,针对中学教师的具体文本是《中学教师职务试行条例》,各地结合实际,制定了具体的实施办法,形成了一整套的中学教师职务制度。勿庸置疑,该政策的行政意图是给出中学教师专业发展的台阶,刺激教师积极向上,因而教师能否关注、追求“晋升”或晋升的“实际效用”如何是一个核心问题。“晋升”在教师职务制度中指的是专业技术职务的晋升,即教师在专业上的成长,岗位履行能力和绩效方面的提高。因此,这里的晋升不同于教师被赋予行政职务或者在行政职务系列中的攀升。教育行政部门希望通过“晋升”政策,调动和发挥教师的工作积极性和创造性,激发教师提高专业水平和履行职责的能力。职务晋升政策出台到现在已近有20年,现在这项政策在执行中有什么问题?政策是否实现了其最初的目的,其功效是否正常发挥?这是笔者开展此项研究的动机。本研究主要运用实证调查的方法揭示中学教师职务晋升的现状,并借鉴国外相关教师晋升经验提出改善现有教师职务晋升的建议。本论文第一章首先陈述本研究的动机,即中学教师职务晋升政策在执行中的矛盾等。论文的第二章是文献综述,主要介绍了我国教师职务政策的历史由来,以及目前关于中学教师职务晋升研究的成果,已有的研究成果集中论述了政策实施中的一些现实问题。第二章还概述了新加坡以及美国一些州在教师职务晋升方面的制度、做法以及特点等。通过这些文献综述,希望使大家对我国教师职务晋升的背景和历史问题有较多了解,也希望通过对国外教师职务晋升的简述,为完善我国教师职务晋升政策提供一个借鉴的视角。论文第三章的主要内容是现状调查,在简要陈述我国教师职务晋升政策的核心内容后,通过问卷调查和访谈调查所获得的数据来揭示我国中学教师职务晋升中的问题。调查从动力、评价的标准、晋升的关键影响因素、职务比例限制、晋升评价的客观公正性以及评聘分离的实施情况等六个方面来反映职务晋升对教师专业发展、教师士气等方面的影响。以上六个方面的调查显示:声誉认可的满足欲望大于对专业素养内涵的追求;名额是决定能否晋升的关键因素;职务比例限制对教师产生了较大消极影响,比例限制也不能促进师资均衡化分布;脱离教育实际的前提性标准阻碍了优秀教师的涌现;评价中的失真削弱了晋升的公正性;评聘分离在与实际执行中并没有分离。调查结果表明,现行的中学教师职务晋升政策及其执行,是与教师工作的很多实际不符合的,很多措施并未得到大多数教师的认同,对教师的激励导向也未能较好地实现政策预期的功能,也就是说,职务晋升的功能未能充分发挥,即晋升的功能在教师管理的实际中是“减损”的。在实证调查的基础上,第四章分析了教师职务晋升政策功能减损的原因。本文认为,职务晋升功能减损的主要原因是“现行职务结构设置弱化了激励功能”、“非专业性标准干扰了职务晋升”、“评价主体的权力角色扮演不当”以及“晋升的制度设计重竞争轻合作”等四个方面。分析了教师职务晋升功能减损的原因后,本章还从职务结构、晋升标准、晋升观念以及评价主体等角度,提出完善教师职务晋升的建议:增加职务等级、完善职务晋升的评价标准、构建新的职务晋升考评权力体系等。

【Abstract】 Since 1986, the employment system of professions has been put into effect to ensure the management of professional and technical personnel. And the specific policy towards the middle school teachers is " The Trial Regulations on The Profession of Middle School Teachers". In accordance with the reality, specific measures had been made and thus the systematic career ladder policy had been formed. The career ladder program of middle school teachers described the career ladder, responsibility and assessment of teachers with the core of promotion. Promotion, in the career ladder program, means teacher promotion. In other words, promotion is the growth of teachers in their major and increase of capability and performance in their tasks. From the above discussion, it’s easy to see that here promotion is totally different from the climbing in the administration post. Through the promotion policy, the Educational Administrations hope that teachers’ enthusiasm and creativity can be brought into play and their speciality and capability can be increased.In the process of 20 years, especially at the beginning of the implementation of the policy, the promotion policy made great contribution to increase the teachers’ status and enthusiasm. However, with the time passing by, both the policy and the components of teachers have experienced changes, thus many problems emerged. Nowadays, complains can be heard from teachers, headmasters and educational administrators. However, researches about these problems haven’t been conducted thoroughly, such as how many contradictions are there in the implementation of the policy? Are they common problems or just complaints from several individuals? As a result, this paper aims to reveal the following facts from the aspect of policy assessment and demonstration: whether the promotion policy is still effective? Does it stimulate the enthusiasm of most teachers or hinder their professional development? If the policy is not proper in some way, what are the representations?Chapter 1 mainly deals with the motivation of the research, that is, the contradiction exists in the implementation of the promotion policy of middle school teachers. The objective, contents and methodology are also introduced in this chapter. Chapter 2 is document review, which introduces the history of Chinese teacher promotion policy, the production of the relevant researches and the main problems discussed in those papers. Besides, the system, measures and features of the teacher promotion policy in Singapore and some states of America have also been introduced. Through reading the document review, I hope that the readers can grasp a better understanding of the background and historical problems of Chinese teacher promotion. Through the brief description of the teacher promotion in foreign countries, a new perspective to perfect that in our country is offered. Chapter 3 mainly deals with the survey. Firstly, I described briefly the core of teacher promotion policy in China, and then reveal the problems existing in the career promotion of middle school teachers through questionnaire and interview. The survey reflects the effect of career promotion on teachers’ development and morale through six aspects. They are: motivation, criteria of assessment, key factor of promotion, the limit of functionary proportion, the equality of assessment of promotion and the implementation of separation of titles. The survey indicates that external power-oriented promotion of professional development leads to the deviation of the inner pursuit; Indicator is the key factor to determine the promotion; the limit of proportion exerts a negative impact on teachers, the limit of ratio can not promote equalization of distribution; the actual premise of education standards hinder the emergence of outstanding teachers; the distortion of assessment weakens the equality of promotion; Separation of engagement does not happen in actual implementation. The results of the survey show that the current secondary school teachers’ promotions policies and their implementation are not accordance with the practical work. Many measures have not been recognized by most teachers. The guide also fails to achieve the objective of inspiring teachers. On the basis of empirical investigation, Chapter 4 analyses the reasons for the decreases of teacher promotion. This paper holds the view that " the arrangement of the current structure weakens the incentive functions." " non-professional standard interferes the professional evaluation." " the inversion of the main power of evaluation," and "the promotion weigh competition rather than cooperation, thus weakens the professional pursuit ". After that, chapter 4 offers suggestions to perfect job promotion from the perspectives of the structure of profession, the criteria for promotion, promotion concept and evaluation principals. The recommendations are: increasing carder ladder, changing the concept of "career promotion is equal to the increase of salary", perfecting the assessment criteria of career promotion.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】299