

Study on the Effect and Its Influencing Factor of Urban River Restoration in Shanghai

【作者】 王耘

【导师】 杨凯;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 环境科学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 河流是城市宝贵的自然财富,已成为城市优先发展的重要廊道。上海城市河流作为城市水体的重要组成部分,在维系城市生态系统的平衡与健康中所发挥的重要作用、在城市经济和社会生活等诸多领域内所发挥的运输和服务等功能等都尤为凸显。由于长期受工业化和城市化等因素的综合影响,上海城市河流受到的损害和干扰程度严重,因而对城市河流的整治和水环境的修复已成为本地区内环境保护的重要课题之一。从上海城市河流整治的背景中获知:河流整治工作中比较缺乏对河流或河道的环境综合效应的考察,对制约城市河流整治成效的影响因素认识不足,从而直接影响到河流整治的效果。基于城市河流整治的实际出发,以综合借鉴规划环境评价、流域管理、河流健康和跟踪评价等河流整治新理念为指导思想,以探讨和解决上海城市河流整治实践中的现实矛盾和问题为出发点,尝试对上海城市河流整治成效及其影响因素展开研究,具有比较重要的理论和现实意义。本文通过对国内外城市河流整治的综述,重点回顾与总结了城市河流整治所取得的成功经验和突出问题,特别是分析了国内城市河流整治的现状及其与发达国家的差距,以便准确和系统地把握国内外城市河流整治的发展趋势,在说明开展整治成效及其影响因素研究必要性的同时,为整治成效研究的目标制定和评价指标体系的科学构建提供依据和参考。具体评述中,侧重于总结美国、英国、欧盟、日本和澳大利亚等国家城市河流整治的成功经验,如美国的“公众舒适性评价”和“流域管理的概念”、欧盟的“ICPR工作组”及“WFD”框架、日本的“多种河流整治新要求”及澳大利亚“河流健康的概念”等;归纳国内城市河流整治中所面临的主要和突出的问题,如水体污染严重、水面率减少、河流功能单一等。由国内外城市河流整治的综述为主要依据,本文尝试探讨城市河流整治成效及其影响因素的理论和方法学基础。探讨涉及指导思想、理论体系、方法体系、指标体系和跟踪评价等方面,重点是要在明确进行城市河流整治成效评价的同时,结合整治中的现状和诸多问题,初步构建起整治成效评价的指标体系和针对影响因素的跟踪评价。评价指标体系在满足代表性、整体性、前瞻性和可操作性等评价原则的前提下,为满足整治成效评价的需要,适当借鉴RIVPACS、IBI、ICPR中常用的“多指标综合评价”和“层次分析法”的评价思想,将评价指标体系设计为“四个评价方面”和“两个评价等级”。对整治成效的相关影响因素进行跟踪评价是基于整治工作的实际需要,通过诸如现场采样、实验室分析、数学模型推理等多种途径,尝试将定性的评价结论以量化,从而深究制约城市河流整治成效的影响因素,并提出合理的、有针对性的对策和措施。依托上海市水务局科研项目“上海城区中小河道黑臭水体水质修复与维护研究”(编号:沪水科2004-05),本文较为深入地调研了大量上海城市河流黑臭整治工程可行性报告、河流整治现状调查报告等资料。背景调研的结果表明:上海城市河流整治过程中,河流现状调查的工作仍有待加强;河流整治中修复技术的选择与整治成效休戚相关。在充分掌握上海城市河流整治背景的前提下,经分析比较的方法选取18条上海城区中小河流作为主要“研究对象”,进行整治成效及其影响因素的研究。通过构建上海城市河流整治成效的评价指标体系,并进行分析和计算得到评价结果。上海城市河流整治成效的评价结果确认“水动力条件”、“水系连通性”、“修复技术成本”和“整治后续维护措施”等因素为目前制约上海城市河流整治成效的主要影响因素。在对这些主要影响因素的跟踪评价研究中,按照“评价方案”、“成因分析”、“发展转化”和“克服手段”的顺序分别对各影响因素进行了较为初步的跟踪评价,在一定范围内指出了今后改善上海城市河流整治成效的方向。对“水动力条件”影响因素跟踪评价的实证研究建立在较微观的层面上,以现场勘察和实验室分析为主要研究手段。选取样本河流之一的木渎港和水动力条件相对较好的主干河道苏州河作为实证研究的主要研究对象。实验方案设计中充分考虑水系连通性、自然涨落潮及季节变化等水动力条件的重要表征因子对城市河流水质及河流整治成效的综合影响。水动力条件跟踪评价的结果表明:(1)从野外勘测和分析实验结果中得出水动力条件对上海城市河流整治成效影响的内在规律大致为“水系连通性因素>自然涨落潮因素>季节变化因素>天文大小潮因素”,确认水系连通性因素与河流水动力条件有着最为密切的联系;(2)城市河流水动力条件不佳加剧了河流水体黑臭现象,并直接作用于河流整治成效,成为整治后河流水质不稳定的隐患和后续维护困难的重要原因;(3)水动力条件对上海城市河流整治成效的制约,从一个侧面反映出开展城市河流整治成效及其影响因素研究的重要性和迫切性。基于跟踪评价结果的考虑,提出在整治的全过程中重视改善城市河流水动力条件,并以此提出相应的对策和措施。

【Abstract】 Rivers are the natural resources in urban areas. In urban area of Shanghai and as a great component in urban water bodies, rivers have been playing an important role in maintaining the urban ecosystem as well as transporting and serving functions within urban economic development and social lives. Due to the integrated influences of industrialization and urbanization, urban rivers have seriously damaged and interfered by human activities. Thus, river restorations and aquatic improvements have become one of the key issues in environmental protection for the metropolis of Shanghai. Based upon the background of river restoration in Shanghai, there was relatively lack of assessing the environmental factors systematically during the process of river or watercourse restoration. Furthermore, it is also believed that the understanding of the restrictive factors were insufficient, which directly make adverse impacts to the effects of restoration. Consequently, attempt to establish the effect and its influence factors assessment in the process of river restoration is of great theoretical and practical significance.On the purpose of understanding the tendency that being developed in urban river restoration, a review of the urban river restorations has been carried out in this thesis. The review emphasized on the benefits or experience of the United States, Britain, European Union, Japan and Australia, including the "Public Comfort Assessment" and "Management of Drainage Area" in the US, "ICPR Group" and "Water Framework Directive" in the EU, "Multi-requirements of River Restoration" in Japan, "River Health Assessment" in Australia; concluded the pressing problems that being confronted during domestic river restorations, such as heavy polluted of water bodies, the ratio of water areas decreased, singleness of the river function, etc.According to the review, the thesis intended to discuss the theories and methods being applied into the effect assessment of urban river restoration in Shanghai. Discussions involved in guidelines, theories, methods, system of environmental target and follow-up assessment. Among these aspects, the key points are inclined to establishing the system of environmental target for the effect assessment as well as the follow-up assessment aim to the influencing factors. Under the foundation of representation, synthesis, prediction and maneuverability, the thesis borrowed some ideas from the "multi-target overall assessment" and "Analytical hierarchy process (AHP)", the target was designed as four "Components" with two "Hierarchies". Several measures like field sampling, lab analyzing, modeling, etc. were considered in the follow-up assessment so that the influencing factor assessment could be developed from the qualitative level to the quantitative level. As a result, the countermeasures for improving the urban river restoration would be provided according to the assessment.Based upon the project of Shanghai Water Authority, Restoration and Remediation of Small Malodorous Black River in Urban Area of Shanghai (No.:Hushuike2004-05), the thesisinvestigated a great number of feasibility reports as well as the status reports of the river restoration projects in Shanghai. The results of the background investigation indicated that the focus of status investigation should continuously be strengthened and there is a close relationship between the technologies and the restoration effects. After comparison and analysis, 18 rivers in the urban area of Shanghai were selected as the model of the effect assessment. The effect assessment of the urban river restoration in Shanghai confirmed that "Hydrodynamics condition", "River system connectedness", "Cost of the restoration technologies", "Subsequent measures for maintaining the river restoration effects", etc. were the major influencing factors of river restoration. As to the follow-up assessment, the thesis attempted to assess the influencing factors respectively. The sequence of the follow-up assessment was followed by the assessment strategies, analysis of the causes and measures of counteract the limiting factors. To some extent, the effect assessment pointed out the direction of improving the effects of river restoration in Shanghai.The case study of the follow-up assessment acted on the hydrodynamics condition was mainly used the methods of field sampling and analytical data. One of the model rivers that belong to the scope of the rivers being assessed previously, named Mudu Creek was involved in the follow-up assessment. The Suzhou River, which is a main watercourse in Shanghai and with relatively good condition in hydrodynamics, was also assessed to make a comparison with the Mudu Creek. The experiment suggested four dimensions of hydrodynamic impacts (impact of river system connectedness, impact of natural flood and ebb, impact of seasonal conversion, impact of astronomic tides), and the results indicated that: (1) The rough regulation of four dimensions is that impact of river system connectedness > impact of natural flood and ebb> impact of seasonal conversion > impact of astronomic tides, and water system connectedness could be thought as the closest relationship with hydrodynamics. (2) The influencing factor of hydrodynamics aggravated the malodorous and black conditions of the urban rivers and with direct adverse impacts to the river restoration effects. (3) The influencing factors of hydrodynamics to the urban river restoration in Shanghai demonstrated the importance and urgency of the study on the effect and its influencing factors. The thesis emphasized that hydrodynamics condition should be continually improved within the whole processes of urban river restoration.

  • 【分类号】X321
  • 【被引频次】6
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