

The Study of Psychological Contracts in Firm Growth

【作者】 廖庆云

【导师】 王富华;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在员工与组织签订的书面雇用合同中,所包括的条目是有限的,没有也不可能反映出相互责任中的所有内容,但在每一个员工的内心深处,对自己应该为组织付出什么,付出多少,组织应该给自己回报什么,回报多少等都有相对明确的认识。这些内容同样影响着员工对于工作的态度和行为。可见,只了解正式雇用合同中确定的员工与组织之间的相互责任是远远不够的,还必须深入了解员工内心中的契约内容,这些内容正是“心理契约”领域研究的内容。本文在总结国内外企业成长和心理契约理论研究成果的基础上,界定了心理契约的概念和层次,建立了我国员工心理契约违背与行为反映模型,并分析了在我国文化背景下员工心理契约的特点。目前,关于心理契约的主体构成一直存在争议,雇用双方所缔结的究竟是雇员单向还是雇主与雇员之间双向契约,学术界的意见并不统一。本文尝试性地将心理契约贯穿于企业成长的全过程进行研究,以销售额增长率、企业制度和企业文化三个要素为标准将企业的成长划分为求生存期、过渡成长期、规范成长期、盛年期和衰退期等五个阶段,认为企业成长的不同阶段有不同的主体构成。处于求生存期的企业心理契约的主体构成是创业者和员工,企业步入过渡成长期以后,心理契约的主体构成是组织公民和组织,企业不同阶段,组织公民代表不同的对象。最后,本文对企业成长的各个阶段心理契约的维护提出了相应的管理对策。处于求生存期的企业,创业者首先要为员工提供相应的物质保证,在培养良好道德修养的同时为员工提供良好的人际环境;在过渡成长期,创业者应该努力地维护和巩固关系契约,有效地授权企业的中层管理者;在规范成长期,企业的管理权由创业者向职业经理人转移,创业者和职业经理人都要采取措施降低领导变革对员工心理契约的影响,职业经理人要完善薪酬设计和绩效考核,并建立有效的激励机制;处于盛年期的企业,要重视员工培训,并帮助员工进行职业生涯设计,建设以人为本的文化;处于衰退期的企业要采取措施缓解员工心理压力,鼓励员工的参与行为,为企业摆脱困境献计献策,减少企业内耗。

【Abstract】 Items in contracts between employees and organizations are limited. Psychological contracts(PC) as an individual’s perception of what he/she owes the organizations and the inducements the individual believes that he/she is owed in return influence employee’s attitudes and behaviors as well. So we should not only know responsibilities in contracts, but also be acquainted with the commitment basing upon his/her own understanding of the reciprocal obligations in the employment relation.This paper discusses PC’s concept and level and presents a model for employees’ reactions to psychological contract violation. Then we analyze PC’s characteristics of employees based upon Chinese culture. The earliest work on PC defined this topic as the shared perceptions between employees and employers regarding what each party owed the other in the employment relationship, more recent work has defined PC as an individual’s perception of what he/she owes the employer and the inducements the individual believes that he/she is owed in return. We don’t think two views are incompatible. Depending on sale rise rate, institutions and corporate culture, we divide the firm growth into five stages: surviving, transition, normalizing, prosperity, declining. We analyze different parties of PC in every stage. In surviving the main parties are founder and employees. From transition to declining, then, PC is an inherently subjective perception: each organizational citizen in organizations possesses a unique PC based upon his/her own understanding of the reciprocal obligations in the employment relationship between the individual and the organization. Citing the conception of "organizational citizenship behaviors", we call all leaguers in firm "organizational citizen". Organizational citizen has different means in every firm growth’s stage. At last we discuss how to fulfill PC in every stage.

  • 【分类号】F270
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