

The Research on Changing Characteristics of Microbe Population in Activated Sludge

【作者】 兰建伟

【导师】 孔秀琴;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 环境工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题在试验室条件下,采用SBR工艺,将生活污水在试验装置中直接曝气,通过控制环境条件逐步培养出活性污泥。在活性污泥培养过程中,依据试验现象重点分析微生物种群的变化规律及其生物降解特性;同时对培养过程中出现的大量菌胶团进行了观察与分析;并通过人为的改变负荷,研究负荷对活性污泥主体微生物的影响。研究结果表明:一,在试验室条件下,通过控制环境条件成功的培养出了活性污泥。培养过程中,生物是由低等向高等演化的。二,活性污泥培养过程中,主体微生物的群落在不断的发生着变化,出水水质指标也有相应的变化。培养初期,以大量的游离细菌为主体微生物,所测得污泥的MLSS与SV30数据均偏小,分别为186 mg/L、1.30%;污水出水效果差:COD的去除率为40%,BOD的去除率26.6%。培养中期,游泳型纤毛虫是主体微生物,污泥的结构也比培养初期紧密,MLSS与SV30数据分别为1075 mg/L、5%;污水出水效果有所提高:COD的去除率为60%,BOD的去除率64.5%。培养后期,钟虫类原生动物的出现并成为优势种群,标志着活性污泥已成熟,所测得的MLSS、SV30数据分别为1949.6mg/L、15%;大量枝状菌胶团,使得污泥絮体变大;此时COD去除率达74%,BOD的去除率达74.2%,污水净化效果良好。三,此次培养活性污泥的试验过程中,产生了生枝状菌胶团,显著提高了污水COD去除率,枝状菌胶团对水质及冲击负荷的耐受力较强,它的存在可增强受损活性污泥的可逆转性。四,人为的改变有机负荷,观察其对于主体微生物的影响,结果表明高负荷容易引起线虫的大量繁殖,使得污泥发生异常,出水水质差,而主体微生物枝状菌胶团对冲击负荷的耐受力较强,并未发生明显改变。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation, by using the method of SBR in the lab condition, the domestic sewage was direct aerated in testing equipment. The activated sludge was cultivated step by step by controlling the environment conditions. During the process of cultivating activated sludge, the laws of change and biodegradation characteristics of microorganism population were emPH atically analyzed according to the experiment PHenomenon. Observed and analyzed large amount of zoogloeas which appeared during the process of cultivating. The influences of load on main microbe by changing the load were studied.The results showed that: 1. The activated sludge was cultivated successfully in lab by controlling the environment conditions. The microbe evolved from low-grade to high-grade during the process of cultivating. 2. During the process of cultivating, the effluent quality indexes changed with the change of main microbial community. At the early stage of cultivating, the free cells were the main microbe. The effluent effect was not good. The removal rate of COD is 40%, of BOD is 26.6%. The sludge settleability was not good enough in Aeration Tank, the value of SV30 is 1.3%.At the medium stage of cultivating, the swimming type of ciliates were the main microbe. The structue of sludge is compacter than at the early stage of cultivating. The effluent effect was improving. The removal rate of COD is 60%, of BOD is 64.5%. The sludge’s SV30 in Aeration Tank is 5%. At the late stage of cultivating, the Vorticella like protozoan appeared and became the dominant population. It marked the maturity of the activated sludge. The value MLSS achieved 1949.6mg/L. A large amount of branched zoogloeas made the flocs of activated sludge bigger. The removal rate of COD achieved 74%, of BOD achieved 74.2%. The sludge’s SV30 in Aeration Tank is 15%. The efficiency of sewage treatment is good.3. During the process of cultivating activated sludge, Branched zoogloeas appeared. The removal rate of COD increased remarkably. Branched zoogloea possesses stronger tolerance for water quality and shock loading ,which can enhance the reversibility of injured activated sludge.4. Observed the influences of changing organic load on main microbe, the results showed that high load can cause the nematode mass rearing, made the sludge abnormal and the effluent quality bad. Branched zoogloea possesses stronger tolerance for water quality and shock loading, so did not change.

  • 【分类号】X703.3
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