

Study on Automation Control of Batch Sugar Boiling Process

【作者】 黄春侠

【导师】 李南;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 蔗糖的生产过程主要由甘蔗压榨、蔗汁清净、蒸发、煮炼等工序组成。其中煮糖工序的作用是使糖分从糖浆中结晶析出,目的其一是获得粒度均一的蔗糖晶体,其二是使糖浆中的糖分尽可能地充分析出。因此,煮糖工序成为蔗糖生产过程中的决定性工序,这一工序工作结果的好坏直接决定着蔗糖的产量和质量,从而也决定着糖厂的经济效益。目前,蔗糖生产过程中除煮糖工序外的其它工序,如甘蔗压榨、蔗汁清净等都已经基本实现了自动化。而煮糖结晶过程的控制操作却由经验丰富的操作工人根据个人操作技巧和煮糖经验来控制煮糖过程,降低了产品产量和质量。出现这种情况的原因,一是由于蔗糖结晶机理的复杂性,煮糖过程的关键工艺参数无法在线测量;二是实际生产过程中受干扰因素较多,如糖浆的锤度、糖浆杂质、真空度以及温度的变化都会影响蔗糖结晶过程。本研究工作以实现煮糖工序的自动化生产为目标,对煮糖过程以及要求进行研究和分析,一:设计了以工业计算机为控制平台,以ADAM-5510M为中心,配以高性能的检测仪表,其中测量浓度利用国外先进的射频传感技术。采用智能控制技术,使用RS-485为通信手段,实现煮糖的自动化控制。二:根据实际情况研究蔗糖结晶过程控制算法的更有效方法,针对煮糖控制系统具有非线性、时变性以及不确定性的特点,本文充分利用了模糊控制不要求建立被控对象的精确数学模型和PID控制精度高的特点,将PID控制和模糊控制相结合,设计符合煮糖实际过程的模自整定PID控制器,以提高蔗糖结晶的速度、缩短煮糖时间、节约能源和提高产品质量。

【Abstract】 The process of sugar production consists mainly of sugarcane crushing, purification, evaporation, crystallization (sugar boiling). The purpose of sugar boiling is to recover as much sugar from the syrup as possible, in the meantime, the size of the crystal should be as uniform as possible. Therefore, the result of sugar boiling draw a decisive influence on the quality and quantity of the production. At present, all the process of sugar production have realize the automation except sugar boiling that operated by experienced operators using skill and past judgement to obtain satisfactory result There are two main reasons. Firstly, there is no way to directly measure the main parameter online so far. Secondly, too many disturbances exist in the sugar production process. For example,the Brix,impurity,vacuum pressure and temperature of syrup all have influence with the sugar production process.The aim of this research is to realize the automation control for batch sugar boiling which is based on practical industry production process. Firstly, to measure the sugar consistence exactly with the advanced R-F probe.and control the consistence with computer. Take the industry computer as control platform, ADAM-5510M as the center, matches by the high performance measuring meter, uses the intelligent control technology, uses RS-485 as the means of communication, to realize the automated control of sugar boiling.Secondly, to efficiently retain the sugar production and improve the quality of sugar, the new technology and new control arithmetic must be investigated. The sugar crystal process control system has the characteristics of nonlinearity, time-variation, and uncertainty. As the fuzzy control dose not require to build the controlled object’s precise math model and the PID control has very high precision, so we put forward a kind of PID parameter fuzzy self-adjusting algorithm, which combines the PID control and the fuzzy control.The Fuzzy-PID controller that is based on the reality could improve the crystal rate and shorten the crystal time and save energy sources.From the theory, it is feasible to achieve the automation of sugar crystal process by employing the intelligence control technology.

  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】187