

Research on Urban Water System Operating Efficiency

【作者】 颜莹莹

【导师】 邵益生;

【作者基本信息】 中国城市规划设计研究院 , 城市环境规划与管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以城市水系统为研究对象,以经济学的效率理论为指导,探讨城市水系统运行效率的概念和内涵,分析效率的量化指标体系,并提出综合评价方法,初步取得如下成果:①通过对系统、效益、效率等概念的演绎分析,揭示城市水系统的功能与效率之间的内在联系,认为城市水系统的优劣在一定程度上取决于系统的运行效率,进而将城市水系统的运行效率定义为:城市水资源有效利用以实现城市水系统功能的程度。城市水系统运行效率的高低可通过系统中水资源(包括量和质)的有效利用程度来衡量。②通过对城市水系统的结构分析、层次分析以及物流分析,初步建立城市水系统运行效率的指标体系。第一层次的指标(目标)为城市水系统运行效率;第二层次的指标有4个,分别为水源系统运行效率、供水系统运行效率、用水系统运行效率和排水系统运行效率;第三层次的指标主要有12个,分别为地表水资源利用度、地下水资源开采度、非传统水资源替代率、输水管道漏损率、管网水综合水质合格率、供水管网漏损率、工业用水重复利用率、人均生活用水量、人均公共设施用水量、污水收集率、污水处理率和再生水利用率。③通过规范、考核标准、法规和理论分析等途径,得到各指标的“最优点”;通过查阅《中国城市建设统计年报》等资料得到各指标在2005年全国最大值和最小值;分析各子系统指标与系统运行效率之间的数值关系,建立各子系统指标的指数化公式,对12个指标进行指数化处理。④利用层次分析法,对12个指数进行重要性排序,选定准则层为环境功能、社会功能和经济功能,得到各指数的重要性权重。其中重要性权重较大的前7个指数按降序排列为:工业用水效率指数、污水处理效率指数、配水系统效率指数、生活用水效率指数、公共用水效率指数、污水回用效率指数、地表水源效率指数。这7个指数的总权重为77.63%,城市水系统运行效率可以近似由这7个指数加权计算得到。⑤利用主成份分析法,对重要性权重较大的7个指数进行相关性分析,按规模和区位选定15个城市作为样本进行相关性分析,得到各指数相关性权重,按降序排列为:工业用水效率指数、污水处理效率指数、配水系统效率指数、地表水源效率指数、污水回用效率指数、生活用水效率指数和公共用水效率指数。⑥通过对指数的重要性权重和相关性权重的再加权和归一化处理,得到7个指标的综合权重,按降序排列为:工业用水效率指数(36.67%)、污水处理效率指数(25.09%)、配水系统效率指数(18.35%)、地表水源效率指数(9.86%)、污水回用效率指数(4.69%)、生活用水效率指数(3.52%)、公共用水效率指数(1.81%)。⑦为了使城市水系统运行效率综合评价的结果更加直观,将EI水系统的计算结果乘以一百,并分成五档,分别是优(100~90)、良(90~75)、合格(75~60)、较差(60~45)和差(45~0)。⑧以武汉、兰州、南京作为案例,得到这三个城市水系统运行效率的评价结果分别是较差、较差和优。

【Abstract】 Economic efficiency theory is performed to identify the urban water system operating efficiency,and its intension. Method for the comprehensive evaluation of urban water system operating efficiency is discussed. The main contents of this thesis are summarized below:1.By the analysis of urban water system and efficiency, urban water system operating efficiency is defined as: realization level of urban water system function by urban water resource effective unitization. System function is realized by mass flow in it. To urban water system, the realization level of urban water system function is measured by the effective unitization level of available water resource.2.By the analysis of structure, multilevel and mass flow in urban water system, Indicator system for comprehensive evaluation of urban water system operating efficiency is discussed. Indicator in the first level is Urban water system efficiency. Indicators in the second level are:Water resource system operating efficiency, Water supply system operating efficiency, Water unitization system operating efficiency, Drainage system operating efficiency. Indicators in the third level are:Unitization ratio of surface water, Unitization ratio of underground water, Substitute ratio of non-conventional water resource, Water supply network leakage coefficient, Water comprehensive qualification rate of water supply network, Industrial circulating water utility rate, Domestic water consumption per capita, Public water consumption per capita Sewage collection rate, Sewage treatment rate, Regenerated water utility rate.3.Specifications, standardizations, legislations and theory analysis are performed to indexation convert the indicators in the third level. Values of these indicators in 2005 and polarity of these indicators are considered in the indexation formula.4.Twelve indexes are sorted by their materiality weightings, which are calculated by AHP. Sorting their materiality weighting from major to minor, the front seven indexes are: Industrial water efficiency index, Sewage treatment efficiency index, Filter water system efficiency index, Domestic water efficiency index, Public water efficiency index, Regenerated water utility efficiency index, Surface water efficiency index. Because summation of their materiality weightings is 77.63%, these seven indexes are performed to comprehensive evaluate the urban water system operating efficiency.5.These seven indexes are sorted by their relevance weightings, which are calculated by Principal Component Analysis. Sorting their relevance weighting from major to minor, they are Industrial water efficiency index, Sewage treatment efficiency index, Filter water system efficiency index, Surface water efficiency index, Regenerated water utility efficiency index, Domestic water efficiency index, Public water efficiency index.6.The normalization products of relevance weightings and materiality weightings are defined as comprehensive weightings. Sorting their comprehensive weightings from major to minor, they are Industrial water efficiency index(36.67%), Sewage treatment efficiency index(25.09%), Filter water system efficiency index(25.09%), Surface water efficiency index(9.86%), Regenerated water utility efficiency index(4.69%), Domestic water efficiency index(3.52%), Public water efficiency index(1.81%).7.To be more intuitive, the comprehensive evaluation result of urban water system operating efficiency is classified to five levels, which are Bes(t>90), good(90~75), middle(75~60), bad(60~45), worst(<45).

  • 【分类号】TU991
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】417