

The Research of Boiler Tube Wall Temperature Calculation and Software Development

【作者】 唐宁

【导师】 童水光;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 化工过程机械, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 换热部件中超温爆管现象是锅炉运行中最常见的事故之一。随着锅炉容量的日益增大,锅炉的结构更趋复杂,锅炉中超温爆管事故也不断增加。壁温计算即通过迭代求解锅炉高温区部件中关键位置处的管壁金属温度,以保证锅炉部件的安全,从而为确定部件的制造材料提供基础数据。本文在浙江大学化工机械研究所与无锡华光锅炉集团的合作项目“锅炉设计计算集成系统开发”的研究工作的基础上,根据锅炉设计安全校核的需求,针对国内锅炉厂用户使用的习惯,开发了一套针对各类型锅炉都适用的壁温计算子系统。本文的主要研究内容如下:总结了国内锅炉行业集成系统开发的现状,分析了锅炉管壁温度因为流量分配和热力分配造成超温爆管现象的原因。归纳了壁温计算的算法原理:经验算法、数值计算算法,并对算法进行了扩充和总结。给出了壁温计算子系统开发的物理模型。采用面向对象技术对工程信息图形化标注系统进行需求分析,使用统一建模语言UML给出系统的软件模型。根据系统实际功能的需要,将其分为“总控包”、“计算包”、“计算结果处理包”三个主要功能模块。分析壁温计算子系统内部各数据结构之间的关系,将系统内部数据分为“计算点类对象”、“算法类对象”、“部件类对象”三种类型,并使用集合类的方式分别对其进行管理,同时给出管理行为的具体算法。使用了大量的迭代算法完成了壁温计算校核过程;运用OLE技术实现了壁温计算工程计算书的输出:以MFC库中CDC类为基类,实现了结果曲线绘制功能;使用多种软件界面技术实现系统的各种人机交互。建立了系统与锅炉设计计算集成系统之间的集成,共同完成整个锅炉设计工作。实现了各子系统间的数据交换,函数共享。该系统已经在国内几家大型锅炉厂使用,进行了大量的实例运算,验证了系统的准确性。

【Abstract】 With the increase capability and complex structure of boiler, the frequency of tube explosion of heat exchange components in super high temperature circumstance grows dramatically, and becomes one of the most frequently happened accidents. Temperature of tube wall, through iterative calculation of tube wall temperature in the key location of high temperature area of the boiler, is computed to guarantee the safety of boiler components and provide basic data to choose the raw material of these components.Based on the cooperative project between the Institute of Process Equipment and Control Engineering in Zhejiang University and Wuxi HuaGuang Boiler Co., Ltd , "Boiler Engineering Simulation System", this dissertation explores the System of Tube Wall Temperature Calculation. This system used to make sure the boiler’s tube wall temperature in safe during the boiler running. The main content of the dissertation is present as follows:Summarized the present integration software explore technology status in China. Analyzed the reasons cause tube wall temperature exceed, which is the flux distribute asymmetry and the thermal distribute asymmetry. Presented the physical model of Tube Wall System, using the methods of experience arithmetic and numerical arithmetic.Using the Object-Oriented technology to analyze the requirement of Engineering Information Graphic Marking System, introducing Unified Modeling Language to describe the system model. According the system functions requirement, decomposing the model to three main modules: "Main Command Package", "Calculation Package", "Calculation results Treatment Package".Analyzing the relationship between the system member data, disintegrating all the data to three types: "Calculation point Class Object", "Calculation methods Class Object", "Parts Object". After that, building the actual aggregation classes to manage these member data, then, providing the concrete algorithm of management behavior of an aggregation class.Used lots of iterative arithmetic to complete tube wall temperature calculation. Used the OLE technology to generate engineering computing results list. Used class CDC of MFC library as a base class to realize results curve plot. At the same time, with the help of software interface technologies, realizing human-computer interactions of the system. Building the integration between the system and the Boiler Engineering Simulation System to complete boiler design assignment together. Each subsystem in this integration System can share the data and function. This system has been used in several boiler factories. With large instances tested, system proved veracity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52;TK223.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】249