

Prepare and Study Polymer Mortar for Energy Saving System of Buildings

【作者】 林旭添

【导师】 王智宇;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 材料科学与工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当前我国能源供求紧张矛盾日益突出,建筑消耗在社会能耗中占了很大的比例,实施建筑节能、研制开发新型高性能建筑节能材料具有十分重要的意义。本文开展了新型聚合物保温砂浆建筑节能体系研制开发和新型相变储能保温干粉砂浆材料的基础研究。采用热雾喷涂法制备了聚合物改性的膨胀珍珠岩,改性的膨胀珍珠岩吸水率40分钟时保持在20%左右,而普通膨胀珍珠岩达到饱和吸水率;强度也有了明显提高,运输过程中常出现容易破碎的问题得到了基本解决。同时热雾喷涂法简易可行,适合于工业中进行大规模连续生产。研究膨胀珍珠岩、可再分散乳胶粉、聚丙烯短纤维和纤维素醚含量和水泥的用量(水泥/水泥粉煤灰总量)对聚合物保温砂浆性能的影响,开发出了新型聚合物保温砂浆。结果表明:新型聚合物保温砂浆与原聚合物保温砂浆相比,导热系数由0.108w/(m·K)下降到0.082w/(m·K);粘结强度达到0.52MPa,符合建筑工程饰面砖粘结强度不应小于0.4MPa的要求;压折比由2.89下降1.83;同时具有良好的保水性和施工性能。研究了可再分散乳胶粉和聚丙烯短纤维对抗裂砂浆性能的影响,研究结果表明:增加可再分散乳胶粉的用量并且引入聚丙烯短纤维,抗裂砂浆的压折比由3.31下降到2.73,抗裂性能有了很大的提高。采用两步法研究了新型相变储能保温干粉砂浆:首先应用减压吸附工艺制备了相变膨胀珍珠岩;然后以相变珍珠岩为骨料,采用普通聚合物砂浆的配方制备相变储能保温干粉砂浆。研究表明:减压吸附工艺有效的把石蜡引入膨胀珍珠岩中,石蜡最大掺入量可达到200%。涂料包覆法和对石蜡进行乳化的乳化法能较好的解决了石蜡较大掺量时渗出的问题,涂料包覆法处理相变膨胀珍珠岩石蜡含量可以达到100%仍没出现渗出现象,乳化法可以达到70%,确定了采用经济可行的乳化法进行相变膨胀珍珠岩骨料的制备。采用相变储能干粉砂浆制备的相变储能板材具有比热容和蓄热系数大,导热系数较小的特点:含有70%乳化石蜡的相变储能板材蓄热系数为比空白板材高出60%;导热系数保持在0.105(W/m·K);测试温度为20℃~30℃时,比热容比空白板材高出近4倍。以相变储能板材制备的相变储能箱体具有显著的调温性能和工作稳定性:当温度在20℃~60℃波动时,相变储能箱体相对普通箱体可以降低8.6℃波动;相变储能箱体经过了400个循环测试,仍保持良好的调温效果,观察相变板材外壁并未发现有石蜡渗出,相变储能板材完好如初。

【Abstract】 In recent year, the situation of energy supply has become more and more serious in China and energy consumption for buildings takes a great part of energy consumption. Both implementing building energy savings and researching energy savings product of high performance are necessary. New polymer mortar for Building Heat Preservation System and phase change mortar were developed in this thesis.Expanded perlite modified by polymer was prepared by spraying. The water absorption ratio of the polymer-modified expanded perlite keeped under 20% in 30 min while the expanded perlite unmodified was nearly 100%. The intension of the expanded perlite had also been improved and the problem of frangibility was solved. Meanwhile the spraying technics was feasible to be applied in industry.The effects of expanded pertile, polymer latex, polypropylene fiber, cellulose ether and cement (the ratio cement to cement and fly ash) on polymer-mortar were studied and a new polymer-mortar was prepared. Results showed that compared to the former polymer-mortar, the new polymer-mortar showed good performances. For example, thermal conductivity was reduced from 0.108 W/(m·K) to 0.082 W/(m·K), ratio of compressive strength to flexural strength from 2.89 to 1.83, bond strength was 0.52 MPa and water preserving capability was excellent.The effects of polymer latex and polypropylene fiber on the polymer-mortar were studied. Results showed that ratio of compressive strength to flexural strength of anti-crack mortar reduced from 3.31 to 2.73 after increasing the content of polymer latex and using polypropylene fiber. Crack resistance was also improved.Phase change mortar was prepared by two-step means. First, phase change expanded pertile was prepared by the means of decompressing adsorption, and then phase change mortar was prepared with expandedpertile as aggregates. Results showed that the phase change material olefin was adsorbed into the expanded pertile and the maximal content of adsorption was near 200%. Both coating and emulsification could be successfully used to solve the leakage problem when content of olefin was high, and content of the olefin reached 100% without leakage by coating and 70% by emulsification. Emulsification was used to prepare aggregate for its relative low cost.Specific heat capacity and coefficient of heat accumulation of phase change board for energy saving prepared by phase change mortar was high and the thermal conductivity was low. Coefficient of heat accumulation of phase change board of 70% emulsification olefin was 60% higher than that without olefin, the thermal conductivity was 0.105(W/m·K) and when test temperature was between 20℃ and 30℃, specific heat capacity is 4 times more than that without olefin.Phase change box prepared with Phase change board showed excellent temperature-regulating capability and stability. The temperature in phase change mortar box with phase change mortar board has a fluctuation of 8.6 ℃ less than that without phase change mortar board. The phase change board was stable and didn’t show any leakage after testing 400 cycles.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU578.12
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】823