

【作者】 王晓岚

【导师】 张书信;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医外科学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先通过对历代相关著名医书及医家对熏洗疗法的临床应用,机理等资料进行综述,简要回顾了熏洗疗法发展的历史。然后分别从传统医学与现代医学对熏洗疗法作用机制的认识和研究两方面去论述其治疗肛肠疾病的机理。并对近些年国内所发表的,有关熏洗疗法在肛肠疾病及其术后应用和研究的资料进行了简要的整理。在对这些资料的收集与整理中发现目前坐浴温度是否对肛肠疾病术后坐浴治疗的效果有影响,尚无临床资料可考究。为了找寻其中的联系,对40例火毒炽盛型肛周脓肿术后病人首次排便后坐浴的情况进行了观察和研究目的:观察坐浴温度对火毒炽盛型肛周脓肿术后首次排便后疼痛缓解的影响方法:随机对照研究,40例火毒炽盛型肛周脓肿术后患者随机分为两组,均于术后第一次排便后对其疼痛进行VAS评分。然后分别用痔瘘熏洗液一瓶即100ml,加水至2000ml的同时分别调节初始温度到20℃、45℃。其中A组以初始温度为20℃坐浴,B组以初始温度45℃坐浴。均坐浴20分钟后再分别对其疼痛进行VAS评分,对两组疼痛缓解情况进行对照。结果:两组对火毒炽盛型肛周脓肿术后首次排便后疼痛均有较好的疗效。初始温度20℃组对该类型肛周脓肿术后首次排便后疼痛缓解程度优于初始温度45℃组。

【Abstract】 First the article briefly reviews the history of development of demibain therapy by summarizing the information of its clinical application and mechanism mentioned by past correlate famous doctor and medicine books. Then to discuss the mechanism of the therapy in treating the anus-intestine’s disease in traditional medicine and modern medicine two parts. Yet to have a concise arrangement for the documents about the therapy’s application and study in anus-intestine’s disease which are publicated in domestic articles recently and find that few articles talk about whether different demibain therapy’s temperature makes difference in the effect of treating anus-intestine’s disease. So we do the observation and study of the circumstance about demibain therapy of 40 patients’ first time defecation after perianal abscess operation of heat evil flourishing type.Objective: To observe the effect of demibain therapy’s temperature in relieving pain of the first time defecation after perianal abscess operation of heat evil flourishing type.Methods: Randomly divided 40 patients perianal abscess operation of heat evil flourishing type into two groups and to give a VAS’mark for the pain of first time defecation after operation. Then each group give the demibain treatment of Zhi Lou sitz bath formula 100ml diluted to 2000ml by water which incipient temperature is adjusted to 20℃、45℃discernly. The A group’s incipient temperature is 20℃and B group’s is 45℃. To give a VAS’s mark for the pain after 20 minutes’demibain therapy for each group and to compare the relieving degree of the pain.Results: Each group have a good effect in relieving the pain of the first time defecation perianal abscess operation of heat evil flourishing type. And the effect of incipient temperature 20℃is better than 45℃in relieving the pain of the first time defecation perianal abscess operation of heat evil flourishing type.

【关键词】 温度坐浴疼痛
【Key words】 temperaturedemibain therapypain
  • 【分类号】R244.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】344