

A Study on Ecological Significance of Antioxidant Enzymes and Polyphenol Contents in Tamarix Rasosissima in Ejina

【作者】 王旭航

【导师】 李俊清; 廖蓉苏;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 生态学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 通过实地调查采样,结合室内实验室分光光度计法,分析了多枝柽柳(Tamarix rasosissima)体内的过氧化物酶(POD)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量,重点研究了植物多酚在多枝柽柳体内的分布和变化等情况。从而来探讨多枝柽柳体内的酶系统对于土壤含水率的响应情况,植物多酚在多枝柽柳体内的分布情况,其含量与水分、年龄和平茬的关系等。通过研究表明,多枝柽柳体内的POD活性随着土壤含水率的降低先升高后减低,MDA则表现出逐渐增加,多枝柽柳的生态需水量为土壤含水率(100 cm)大于20%。多枝柽柳体内的缩合单宁主要分布在根系部位,大径级根系中多酚含量比小径级根系中少。中龄柽柳体内的总酚含量较少,幼龄柽柳和老龄柽柳中的总酚含量较高。不同地段,根系部位的总酚含量有显著差异,但这种差异在季节间也有所不同。多枝柽柳的总酚含量与土壤含水率呈反比,即土壤含水率高时,总酚含量较低;反之亦然。多枝柽柳体内的多酚含量随季节呈现动态变化,从早春到深秋,总酚含量总体呈现增加趋势。平茬后的时间对多枝柽柳有影响,未经平茬的柽柳体内的多酚含量较高,平茬后时间越短,其体内的总酚含量越低。本研究首次测定了多枝柽柳根系中的多酚含量,并且报道了多酚在多枝柽柳体内在不同季节间的变化情况、多酚与土壤含水率的响应情况,此外,就平茬对多酚含量的影响进行了研究。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the activity of POD, content of MDA and plant polyphenols in Tamarix rasosissima were measured by spectrophotometry on the basis of field investigation and sampling. The reflections of POD and MDA, under different soil water, were analyzed. Emphasis was placed on the content polyphenols in different tissues, sites, seasons, plant ages and soil water content. The following results were concluded: As a decreasing of soil water content, the activities of POD increased at first, but declined in a further decreasing. The content of MDA increased gradually with the declining of soil water content. The necessary soil water content to Tamarix rasosissima was more than 20%. The condensed tannin was mainly distributed in the roots. The smaller diameter the root was, the more condensed tannin was contained. Total phenolic in mid-aged plant was low relatively, while it was high in the young and the old. In different sites, the total phenolic was different significantly, which also happened in different seasons. It has been shown an inverse relationship between the content of total phenolic in plant and the soil water content. In addition, the content in plant varied seasonly. The time after stumping can affect the content of total phenolic in plant. The longer time after cutting, the higher content was indicated, which almost approximated to those not stumped.This was the first report we were aware of giving polyphenols characteristics of Tamarix rasosissima in roots, leaves and branches. The seasonal dynamic of total phenolic in Tamarix rasosissima and the relationship between the water containing in soil and total phenolic were studied. Also, the effect of stumping on the content of total phenolic was evaluated.

  • 【分类号】S793.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】165