

Study on Ecological Restoration and Effect Monitoring in the Iron Ore Stope of Beijing Shougang Co.Ltd

【作者】 李江锋

【导师】 孙保平;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 工程绿化, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在对北京首钢铁矿范围内土地利用现状、周围及项目区内植被状况、水土流失状况、景观现状进行充分调查、分析评价的基础上,从生态修复、恢复生物多样性、促进生态环境良性循环以及为都市居民提供近郊休闲娱乐空间,满足矿山生产生活等多种功能要求出发,将北京首钢铁矿生态规划分为采矿坑生态恢复区、排土场生态恢复区、尾矿库生态恢复区和道路沿线生态恢复区等四个功能分区;提出了包括对现场的环境分析、植物多样性分析、采用工程措施和植物措施相结合的方式进行生态修复以及对修复措施及结果进行水土保持监测在内的生态环境综合整治方案;满足在矿山生态环境治理的同时保障矿山的开采顺利进行,提出尊重自然规律、以人为本,按照近自然的原则进行综合规划、治理,实现人与环境的和谐融洽,以营造人居和谐的社会环境;本文就北京首钢铁矿的各项生态整治内容进行了较详细的规划与设计,通过技术论证及环境评价、生态恢复后的效果监测,表明北京首钢铁矿的生态修复综合整治方案在技术上、经济上是可行的,为其他类似的矿山环境的综合治理提供参考。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the present situation of land utilization, vegetation, water and soil loss and landscape of the iron ore stope in Beijing Shougang Co.Ltd were investigated and analyzed. On the basis of that and multipurpose requests of ecological restoration, restoring biodiversity, benign circle of eco-environment and affording leisure space for the residents the iron ore stope was divided ecologically into four functional regions: ecological restoration area of mining pit, ecological restoration area of dump, ecological restoration area of tailings dam and ecological restoration area along the road. Comprehensive training program of ecological environment was put forward including environmental and biodiversity analysis, engineering and plant measures integration as well as soil and water conservation monitoring, which guaranteed production run of mine exploitation while ecological environment harness. Principles of respecting natural law, people-orientation and near nature were brought out so as to realize harmony society using comprehensive planning and harness. This paper planed and designed the ecological training content of the iron ore stope in Beijing Shougang Co.Ltd in detail. The technical feasibility studies, environmental assessment and monitoring after Ecological restoration showed that it was feasible technically and economically and can afford reference for similar comprehensive mine environmental management.

  • 【分类号】TD88
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】736