

【作者】 沈孝苹

【导师】 丁兴富; 蒋国珍;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 随着通信技术、网络技术的飞速发展和互联网(Internet)的普及,计算机通信(CMC,全称为Computer-Mediated Communications)变得越来越普遍了,在教育中的应用也越来越广泛。计算机通信不仅应用于高等教育,远程教育,公司培训等领域,同时,应着我国中小学“校校通”工程的实施和课程改革的深入发展,也逐渐被我国中小学教师利用来开展各种学习活动和远程合作学习项目。相应地,对计算机通信在教育领域中应用的研究也越来越多,但是,大多数的研究都是关于异步通信的,对同样也很受欢迎的同步通信却较少受到研究者的关注。研究者对计算机同步会议中主持教师(辅导教师)管理会议(讨论)的行为及其对参与者参与情况的影响很感兴趣。因此,在本研究中选择了我国小学远程合作学习项目中利用即时通信工具QQ召开的教师例会作为关注对象,深入探讨会议主持教师的行为和职责与项目教师参与和例会进展情况的关系。本研究基本的数据来源于在2006年秋季学期项目进展的过程中3个区各自的主持教师组织召开的30次会议的导出记录(.txt)。本研究采用的研究方法有观察法、计算机通信话语分析方法(CMDAor CMC-DA)、比较研究法和文献研究法。计算机通信话语分析方法是用于研究人们利用电子工具如何交流的一个方法。研究者利用这种方法,借鉴参考了基于这种方法做研究的三个阶段,即:背景分析、语料分析和实例概括。同时,综合运用了量的和质的研究方法,对本研究的研究背景和教师例会的基本情况作了详细介绍和分析,确定了第二区的例会是效率最高,最受项目教师欢迎的会议;通过“编码-计数”的方式揭示了主持教师在会议中表现出的行为及其主要职责;最后通过描述实例揭示了较优例会的动态推进过程。研究结果表明,会议的效率和项目教师的参与度与主持教师的主持策略、主持行为及其表现出来的职责有关系。第二区的例会之所以成为效率最高,最受项目教师欢迎的会议,主要是因为第二区的主持教师:●灵活规划,充分让一线教师真正当主角;●换位思考,贴近一线项目教师;●充分利用会议时间,设定规则,提高例会效率;●借鉴经验,做好会议主持工作;●做好会议总结,与项目教师共享。

【Abstract】 Computer-mediated communication has received a great deal of attention lately in all fields, especially in education. It is adopted not only in the higher education, but also in the primary and secondary school in China. However, the bulk of research has focused on asynchronous environments (such as web-based bulletin boards, e-mail systems etc.). Synchronous communication, by contrast, despite its popularity, has received less research attention. Of particular interest is the manner in which the moderators manage the ebb and flow of the online onfenrences and how this affecs the participant engagement. This dissertation study attempts to develop a deeper understanding of the relationship between teacher moderating and participant engagement.The primary data sourse for the study was 30 transcripts collected from 3 groups of project teachers over a whole term in a moderated synchronous online instruction in the distance collaborative learning projects. The study process was divided into three steps, including contextual analysis, content analysis and case characterization. The study used a mixed method design where the results of the quantitative analysis were used to select cases cases for qualitative analysis to better understand the prosess of the online conference. It also used the "conding- counting" method to reveal the manners and functions of the moderators. At last, a descriptive discourse analysis of the transcripts was adopted to unpack the moderating functions worked on the online conference.In summary, the very modertator made her conferences to be the most efficient and popular ones as she:· Planned by both ways, made the project teachers to be the leading actor and keeped her power,· Thought on the project teachers’ feet, thought about what they need;· Made most use of the conference time by all ways, set up norms to improve the efficiency;· Moderated well on the very conferences by referring to moderating in other field;· Maked summaries and shared them with project teachers.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】144