

【作者】 钟媛媛

【导师】 王淑芹;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 伦理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息化社会的到来,大众传媒已经渗透到我们生活中的每一个角落。报纸、广播电视、网络、甚至最新出现的IP电视、楼宇电视、网络电视,无时无刻不在向我们提供各种信息,与此同时,媒体道德失范现象也比比皆是:制造假新闻、娱乐炒作、滥用新闻自由、侵犯隐私权、虚假广告、媒体腐败、媒体审判等等。大众传媒的产业化,经济利益最大化已经使媒体这个社会的公器逐渐滑落于金钱一端,大众传媒迎合利益的驱动而背离理性基础,低俗化、媚俗化的媒体产品给社会和受众带来巨大的负面影响。这一切,都与传媒责任伦理的缺失息息相关。本文共分为四个部分:第一部分,传媒伦理责任的理论背景。主要阐述西方的两大传播理论——自由主义传播理论和社会责任传播理论。通过对这两大理论的思想主旨及各自理论缺陷的分析,为后文即将提出的传媒伦理责任起到铺垫作用。第二部分,传媒伦理责任概说。首先对传媒的特点和功能进行梳理,进而明晰传媒伦理责任的概念,并将传媒伦理责任划分为承担责任者、责任对象、责任内容和如何负责四个方面;其次,分别从传媒的社会角色和传媒的负面功能两方面,对传媒伦理责任诉求的必然性做了详细论证;最后,从传媒主体的理性自控性和行为选择的自由性两方面,对传媒伦理责任诉求的可能性进行条陈。第三部分,传媒伦理责任缺失的透视。本章结合大量的事实案例,将当前传媒界伦理责任缺失现象归为六大类:真实性的缺乏、公正性的缺位、媒体腐败、媚俗化倾向、媒体审判、侵犯隐私权。通过对典型案例的剖析,深入挖掘造成传媒伦理责任缺失的六个主因,即媒体体制改革滞后、经济利益驱动、媒体的相关法制缺位、媒体监督不力、媒体自律性不强和传媒专业主义教育匮乏。第四部分,构建传媒伦理责任的实践机制。本章立足于我国国情,结合我国传媒的特点,并借鉴西方国家的实践经验,提出当前我国构建传媒伦理责任的实践机制:深化媒体体制改革、健全媒体内部监督机制、完善受众监督机制、加快传媒法制建设、加强对传媒从业者的道德教育。

【Abstract】 With the coming of the information society, mass media has already seeped into every corner of our lives. The newspaper, the broadcast, the television, the network, even most newly appear IP television, building television, videos provide different information for us every minute. But we still realize that the lacking of media professional morality becomes a serious problem. The pseudo events are flooding in each kind of media. People work for the media commits bribery, and even blackmail the litigants. The industrialization of mass media has materialized these social tools which are supposed to seek for social justice. All of these phenomenons have something to do with the declination of the mass media’s awareness of ethical responsibilities.This thesis is divided into four parts: The first part is mainly about the Libertarian theory and Social responsibility theory. The thorough analysis and comments of these two theories make a base for the theory of the Ethical Responsibility of Mass Media which is put in the following chapter.The second part is an outline of the Ethical Responsibility of Mass Media. Firstly I analysis the characteristics and function of the media; Secondly, I divided the theory into four aspects: the responsibility undertaker, the responsibility objects, the content of responsibility and how to take the responsibility. Thirdly, I demonstrate the necessity the Ethical Responsibility of Mass Media. Finally, I demonstrate the possibility of the Ethical Responsibility of Mass Media.The third part analysis the declination of professional morality of mass media: lacking of the authenticity, injustices, media corruption, low taste, trial by the media, offending privacy. Through the analysis of the typical cases, I try to find out the reasons of why the media is lack of ethics responsibility: the lagging of reform of media, the economical temptation, the lack of legislation, the supervisation of audience is unavailable, weak self-discipline of media and the deficiency of the media’s professionism education.The fourth part tries to construct the practical mechanism of the media ethics responsibility: deepening the reform of media organization, perfecting media interior surveillance mechanism, consummating the supervision mechanism of the audience, speeding up the legislation, and strengthening the education of professional moral and the media’s self-discipline.

  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】797