

The Food Supply Chain Management and Food Safety in China

【作者】 包文娟

【导师】 赵苏;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 1996年Zuurbier等学者提出了“食品供应链管理”的思想并成功运用于法国、美国等农业较发达国家,引起了包括中国在内的广大发展中国家相关专家学者的关注,根据供应链中各环节人员力量分布可将供应链划分为四种类型,即哑铃形、T形、对称形及混合型,每个国家根据自身经济发展水平侧重于供应链中不同的环节,形成不同的供应链类型。近几年来,随着我国食品行业基础水平的提高以及食品行业出现的质量安全问题,食品供应链管理的研究越来越受到重视。在满足人们对于食品消费品不断变换的需求同时,食品供应过程中也出现了许多问题,主要包括作为食品生产原料的农产品供应商管理混乱、供应链物流由于涉及范围较广很难得到优化,食品生产过程中缺乏统一标准,产品质量良莠不齐、物流运输基础设施落后尤其是冷链物流工具设施得不到保障、食品添加剂及防腐剂的乱用、滥用造成食品质量安全事件大大小小频繁发生。根据造成食品质量安全问题缘由与供应链中各环节的相关关系,分析食品行业中涉及到的政府各监管部门的监管权限,本文提出供应链监管过滤模型。通过七大监管部门对原料环节、生产环节、运输流通环节、批发环节以及最终销售环节的监管,让消费者享受到放心安全的食品。最后,在保证食品质量安全监管有效性的前提下,必须综合考虑其成本,对食品供应链各环节采取直接监管与间接监管相结合的方法。

【Abstract】 In 1996, the idea of "food supply chain management" was proposed by some scholars like Zuurbier and it was successfully applied in countries like France and America which are advanced in agriculture. The successful application made some specialists in developing countries in agriculture pay much attention on food supply chain management. According to the strength of different level in different sectors, we divide the food supply chain into four kinds, dumb bell, T, symmetrical, mixture. Different countries will focus on different sector according to its own economic level and thus we get different kind of food supply chain management.With the improvement on infrastructure about food industry and many problemson food safety, food supply chain management has got more and more attention in China. As we all know, with the improvement on life quality, consumers’need on food has changed a lot. Under the condition of meeting consumers’ needs, there comes much more problems on food supply, such as the confusion on management of raw materials suppliers, the difficulty on optimization of food logistics because of wider scope, without common standards on food quality, the lay behind of the infrastructure on logistics especially some frozen logistics, the abuse of some food additives and food preservatives.According to the relationship on the reason of food safety and the sectors of food supply chain, the right on supervision from some government departments, we design a model named supply chain supervision filter. Under the supervision of related seven departments on raw material sector, production sector, transportation sector, whole seller sector and sales sector, we can assure the last food safety on consumption.At last, we should also consider the total cost on food supply chain on the precondition of food safety, combine the direct supervision with the indirect ones in order to get the composite results.

  • 【分类号】F426.82
  • 【被引频次】25
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