

【作者】 刘晓鲁

【导师】 陈进; 丁强;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 产业经济学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 科技发展至今,IT技术给众多行业带来了高效、便捷的信息处理模式,促进了这些行业业务流程的日趋优化。在日益活跃的贸易领域,进出口企业紧跟社会前进的步伐,纷纷在信息技术建设上投入了大量的人力和资金。但是由于贸易链中参与方众多,全国范围内各行业各地区的信息化建设水平差异较大,贯穿贸易活动始终的贸易单证至今未能实现统一的电子化流转,单证业务仍旧使用传统的纸质单据。在整个贸易过程中,使用到的单证多达数十种,均以投递方式在进出口企业、海关、银行、质检、保险公司和物流行业之间流转。这对这些机构、企业造成了极为昂贵的时间成本和人力成本,特别是对企业的供应链运作带来了极大的滞后性。针对这样的现状,本文研究的单证电子流转服务系统,旨在为银行、企业和贸易监管机构(如海关、质检等部门)间的单证业务搭建一个贸易单证电子服务平台,实现单证在这些组织、机构间的电子流转,并配合审核、退改、提交等相关业务流程,在技术上提供相关功能加以支持,增加单据处理的时效性、可跟踪性以及历史数据的查询、统计等功能,确保数据传输的可信、安全和便捷。本文的研究工作,是根据现有的贸易单证相关参与方的业务流程分析,对单证电子流转模式进行与之相匹配的设计,使之符合当前国内电子信息化环境的要求。该系统在功能上涵盖了商业单证的采集,商业单证的提交、商业单证的接收处理、境外单证电子传输以及单证提交后续处理五个主要功能模块,并且根据企业、银行和贸易监管机构在单证处理中所承担的不同角色,围绕一次贸易行为所涉及的单证处理过程,对不同参与方得系统登陆、权限管理、页面流程和相关数据库进行相应的设计,以符合实际业务的需要。并针对当前的电子单证标准体系发展状况,提出了部分电子单证标准样式。至今为止,国内在单证电子化方面的研究和发展还不完善,尚无成熟的范例模式可以借鉴。本文提出的解决模式是对贸易链中的单证电子化的一次尝试,可为贸易领域其他参与方的单证电子流转提供参考。

【Abstract】 The step of development technology has moved into the 21st century, information technology has changed people’s lives in so many areas. It brings high efficiency and convenience into the management of information, and optimizes the operation process. More and more enterprises put large fund into the construction of information system. Since there are so many participators in the trade chain, and different industries and regions have been dissimilar levels of information technology construction, so it is hard to implement the electronic transfer of trade documents. We are still using paper document which cost expensive human resource and long time.There are dozens of documents used in the trade process and they are still transferred by mail between banks, customers, importers and exporters. The traditional model has already resulted in the lag of operation of supply chain and cost huge human resource. Based on this situation, the document electronic presentation system aims at providing service for the document business between banks and enterprises as the third participator. And this system platform also offers technical solution according the workflow of the document auditing, modifying and representation. The advantages of the system are: promote the workflow efficiency; make the process traceable (with the functions of inquiring and Statistic) and insure the data transfer creditable, secure and facilitated. The main work of this study focuses on the system design according to the workflow of document presentation which includes 5 parts: document collection, document presentation, document reception, document overseas transfer and task after document presentation. Based on different role of these trade participators, this system offers different design about system login, authority management, page flow and database in the process of document operation. Also, refer to the international E-document standard, a series of document standard are put forward here.Until now, the development of E-document has just been on the way. There is no mature modal to use for reference. The solution model in this study can be a trial of document transfer which offers a reference for the other participators (such as customers, AQSIA).

  • 【分类号】TP393.09;F740.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】290