

【作者】 何锐

【导师】 高建国;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 地质工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着近代科学技术的发展,数学、物理学、化学、天文学、生物学的原理和方法已逐渐应用到地质学领域中来,许多新的分支科学也在逐渐形成。数学地质是地质学与数学相结合所产生的一门新的边缘学科。正如马克思指出“科学仅当它成功地应用数学时,才算达到真正完善的地步”。数学理论和方法在地质中的应用,长期以来就是地质工作者所追求的目标。电子计算机的出现,为地质与数学的结合创造了有利的条件,这样才能使地质学进一步发展到从定性描述向定量的描述以及解释发展,才能建立地质的各种数学模型。地学信息作为信息的一个大类,具有多样性、复杂性、不连续性、不确定性,并且人们能提供的很多信息是经验性的、半定量的、不系统的。各种信息分别反映的仅是事物的一个侧面,而多个信息的科学综合,以及从多个信息中根据科学依据提取规律,则可以大体反映事物的整体。多元地学信息分析作为数学地质中一个重要组成部分,在综合信息成矿预测中得到了广泛的应用,主要应用于理论开发和地学找矿实践中。利用多元地学信息分析,研究多个信息彼此间的空间耦合度,并采用特征分析法,建立成矿预测量化模型,在地质统计单元基础上进行综合找矿定位预测已成为当前地学领域发展的一个新趋势。所以多元地学信息分析已成为解决地学从定性、半定量向定量转化的主要内容之一。21世纪是计算机信息的时代,传统的地质学与信息领域的相结合是必然的趋势。在计算机的帮助下,地质学将焕发出新的时代风采。在信息集成体系的支持下使用多元地学信息分析,将会能够取得较为理想的效果。因此编制一个成熟的、在Windows环境下正常运行的多元地学信息系统软件成为了当前必须完成的任务。多元地学信息系统这个软件正是应用多元数学作为分析数据的基本工具,并以电子计算机的高速和精确作为计算的辅助手段,对采集到的大量矿区地学数据进行快速和准确的分析与计算,从而定量分析数据,并能得出地质现象的合理解释,对地质现象从定性分析跨越到定量分析,对靶区预测、成矿规律可以提供一定的帮助,在某种程度上可以成为一个预测系统或决策系统,成为信息技术在地学领域中的又一大扩展。

【Abstract】 With the development of modern technology, theories and methods of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Astrology and Biology have been applied into Geology, a large amount of branches have been formed. Digital Geology is a new bi-disciplinary combined with mathematics and Geology.As pointed by Marks "Only when Mathematics could be applied in science successfully, science can be perfect". It is Geologists’ aim for a long time to apply Mathematics theory and method in Geology. The emergence of computer provides a chance to combine Geology and Mathematics together. By using computer, Geology can be developed form qualitative description to quantitative description and interpretation, and establish various digital models.As a branch of information technology, geological information has properties of diversity, complicacy, uncontinuity and uncertainty, most of that information is empirical, half quantitative and fragment, only reflect one aspect of a substance. On the other hand, integration of several information branches, extraction of information from a large number of information can reflect the whole situation of one substance.As an important part of Digital Geology, poly-geological information analysis has been applied widely in the field of predicting ore forming. By using poly-geological information analysis, research space crossing of several kinds of information, adopt character analysis method to form modal of predicting ore. prodicting location of ore based on unit of geology statistics which has become a trend in the current development of Geology. Therefore, poly-geological analysis has become one important part of the transition from qualitative, half quantity to quantity in Geology.21st century is a time for computer information. It is an inevitabletrend to combine geology and the field of information. With the help of computer, Geology will have a new development. Use poly-geological information analysis under the support of information system will bring a satisfied result. Thus, develop a mature poly-geological information system which can be run successfully under Windows operating has become a task.Software poly-geological information analysis use Poly-mathematics as a basic tool, use fast and accurate computation of computer as assistant, this system computes and analyzes geological data extracted from ore region quickly and accurately, analyzes data quantitatively, and interprets geological phenomenon reasonably, analyzes geological phenomenon from qualitative analysis to quantitative analysis, provides a help for predicting good region and forming ore. Not only a predict system or strategic system at some extent, it is also a progress for the application of information technology in the field of Geology.

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