

Analysis of Patent Output & Strategies of Jiangsu Province

【作者】 戴珺晶

【导师】 陶用之;

【作者基本信息】 南京财经大学 , 统计学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今知识经济时代,拥有专利的数量和质量在很大程度上决定了一个国家或地区的市场竞争力和综合实力。我国加入WTO,国内企业置身于更加开放和激烈的竞争环境中,而江苏省作为我国开放经济大省,面临的国内国外的竞争将更加激烈。虽然江苏省近年来专利发展速度很快,但总体水平并不高。因此,研究专利发展情况,运用专利战略,对提高江苏省的综合竞争力具有极其重要的意义。本文以江苏省专利产出为研究对象,运用比较研究和统计分析的方法,尽可能的从定量分析的角度加以分析。具体结构分为以下几部分:第一部分是导论。介绍了研究的目的、意义、国内外研究现状以及论文的研究框架和技术路线。第二部分是江苏省专利产出的现状分析。从专利产出的结构、职务与非职务专利构成、地区间的比较等多个角度对专利产出的特征及存在的问题作了认真分析;并且在此基础上结合科技投入情况,运用熵权法对江苏、北京、上海、浙江、山东和广州这几个科技发达省份的专利产出情况进行综合评价,从而从整体上把握江苏省创新的优势与不足。综合评价结果显示江苏省在北京等6个科技发达省份中位于中等偏下水平。第三部分是江苏省专利产出的影响因素分析。本部分采用灰色关联度方法,定量分析了这些影响因素与专利产出之间的相关性大小,发现科技投入等因素和国内生产总值对于江苏的专利产出影响都很大,其中江苏省R&D经费支出占GDP比重这一因素对于专利申请量的影响程度最大,回归分析的结果也与关联度分析结果一致。第四部分是江苏省专利产出发展趋势的预测分析。专利的发展趋势对发展战略的制定也具有突出的重要性,因此,本文采用组合预测模型预测了江苏省今后三年专利的发展趋势,为专利战略的提出和实施提供依据。第五部分是江苏省专利战略的分析。基于以上的分析,结合江苏省省情,在本章进一步探讨了适合江苏的专利战略目标、战略重点和对策。为推动江苏省科技进步,提高经济核心竞争力提供参考。第六部分结论和研究展望。在归纳本文分析和研究的结论基础上,对本文的研究做出后续研究展望。

【Abstract】 It’s the knowledge-based economy times, the quantity and the quality of patents has decided a national or a region’s strength of the market competition and the comprehensive strength. As our country joins WTO, the domestic enterprises are places in the open and intense competitions. Jiangsu Province is one of the biggest open-economy provinces in our country, which is facing with the more intense competitions.This paper takes the patent output of Jiangsu province as the object of study by the comparison research and the statistical analysis methods and as far as possible by the quantitative analysis. The main contents of this paper are:The first part is introduction. It has introduced the research goal, the significance, the present research situations and the research frame and the technical route.The second part is the present situation analysis of Jiangsu Province patent output. First this article has analyzed the present situation of Jiangsu patents output, which analyze the characteristics and the problems of patent output from many directions such as the patent output structure, the comparison between the local regions. And with consideration of science and technology input, this paper carry on the synthesis evaluate of situation and strength of patent output in Jiangsu, Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Shandong and the Guangzhou by entropy-weight method, base on which we can grasp the superiority and the insufficiency of innovation of Jiangsu from the whole. The synthesis evaluation result showed Jiangsu Province is located the medium under level in the six provinces.The third part is the influence factor analysis of the Jiangsu Province patent output. It has studied the factors which influence patent output of Jiangsu, used the gray connection degree analyze the correlation between the factors and patent output. The result show that the influence of the factors—ratio of R&D funds to GDP—is the largest one, and its consistent with the result of regression analysis.The fourth part is the development tendency analysis of patent output forecast of Jiangsu province. Forecast analysis of patent output has the prominent importance to the developmental strategy, the paper will use the combination forecast model to forecast the Jiangsu patent in next three years. This also provides the basis for patent strategy.The fifth part is the analysis of Jiangsu Province patent strategy. Based on the above analysis, further discuss about Jiangsu patent strategy, the key of strategy and according countermeasures has been made, which provide the reference to Jiangsu in order to advance in technology, enhance the core competitive ability of economy.The last part concludes this paper. After summarizing this analysis, it puts forward some defects and further study of this topic.

【关键词】 专利产出评价预测专利战略
【Key words】 Patent outputEvaluationPredictPatent strategy
  • 【分类号】G306
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】558