

【作者】 李维凤

【导师】 温淑鸿;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 膜技术发展于20世纪50年代,70年代后在各个工业领域中得到大规模的应用。众所周知,人类社会水资源日益短缺,并且水资源浪费现象又特别严重,水资源的再生利用是一个迫切要解决的问题,膜产品在污水处理等水资源的再生利用方面得到广泛应用,是一种非常具有发展潜力的新型技术。随着经济全球化的不断深入,市场竞争日趋激烈。企业必须提供交货快、质量高、成本低和服务好的产品才能在竞争中处于有利地位,这样对于膜产品在生产各个环节尤其是方案设计阶段的要求也越来越高。模块化设计方法作为现代设计方法中的一种,其相关理论已经得到了研究,该方法能够快速高效完成设计,但研究和应用中的一些关键问题还需要进一步得到解决。本文结合膜产品的特点,以基于模块化设计思想为指导,在膜产品的方案设计方面做了深入的探索和研究。1.研究模块化设计的基本思想、模块的划分以及组合的方法,并对膜产品中的连续微滤(CMF)水处理系统进行模块的划分及组合。2.研究基于知识工程的膜产品的初步方案设计的方法,探索知识的获取与推理方法。提出膜产品的初步方案设计的KBE方法。3.研究基于模块化产品实例的膜产品的详细方案设计的方法,讨论模块化产品实例的实例库以及实例相似度计算方法,并对实例进行替换及修改。按照形成的详细设计方案进行方案图的设计工作。4.在应用技术—经济评价法和模糊评价法进行产品方案评价方面做了较为深入的研究,对各个详细设计方案进行优化比较,选取最优方案。5.研究基于模块化的膜产品的方案设计应用系统的体系结构和功能模型,设计开发基于模块化的膜产品的方案设计系统。所开发的方案设计系统可以提高膜产品方案设计的效率和准确性,降低产品成本,增强企业市场竞争力。

【Abstract】 The membrane technique developed at 1950s, and has been applied in many industrial fields after 1970s. It’s known to us all that the water resource is hard up and the waste is severe. The water reuse is an urgent problem to resolve, the membrane equipment has been applied in the water reuse such as wastewater treatment. It is the developmental technique.With the constantly deepening of economic globalization, the market competition is becoming much tense. In order to be more competitive, enterprises must quickly offer products with high quality, low cost and good service. So the desire for the production process of the membrane equipment, especially scheme design phase, becomes more and more high. As one of the modern design method, the theory of modular design method has been researched. It can accomplish the design quickly. But the key problem during the research and application must be resolved. This thesis combines the characteristic of membrane equipment, under the guidance of the modular design technique, does an intensive study in the development of scheme design system of membrane equipment.1. Study the thought of the modular design, module partition method and combination method. It carried out the module partition and combination on the CMF.2. Study the preliminary scheme design of the membrane equipment based on KBE. Discuss the knowledge acquisition and the knowledge inference. Put forward the preliminary scheme design of the membrane equipment based on KBE.3. Study the detail scheme design of the membrane equipment based on modular product case. Discuss the modular product case and the computing method of the similar degree of the modular product case, and module replacement and modification. Complete the drawings according to the detail scheme design.4. Research on using technology-economical method and confusing method to evaluating the scheme of products. Carry out the optimization calculation and select the optimization.5. Research on the system structure and function model of the scheme design system of the membrane equipment based on modularization. Develop the scheme design system of the membrane equipment based on modularization.The scheme design system can improve the speed and veracity of the quotation of the membrane equipment, reduce the product cost, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprise.

  • 【分类号】TB383.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】94