

【作者】 胡伊苹

【导师】 吴晓波;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自上世纪70年代以来,全球制造网络的形成成为制造业全球化发展的一个趋势。旧有的企业之间的竞争模式在新竞争环境下演化为网络层面的对抗与合作,这使得中国制造业有机会融入到全球化制造进程中,这些企业扩展了传统生产系统的边界,利用不同的治理模式,有效整合全球制造网络中的资源,抓住学习和获取知识的机会,发展壮大。但是,在有关全球制造网络的研究中,很少涉及不同治理模式下,组织学习影响因素对企业之间组织学习的影响机制的动态研究。因此,本文主要针对就是全球制造网络中基于治理模式的本土企业组织学习影响因素机制的研究。本文首先对全球制造网络中的组织学习过程进行了系统地分析,构建了全球制造网络中组织学习影响因素体系的概念模型。本研究着重研究了全球制造网络中基于企业治理模式的组织学习影响因素的分析,得出以下结论:首先,全球制造网络中基于治理模式的组织学习影响因素主要包括知识本身属性、企业间合作关系、本土企业学习能力以及本土企业学习态度四个方面。其次,知识本身属性对企业组织学习效用存在着显著影响。知识本身越复杂、缄默程度越高,对本土企业组织学习障碍越大。本土企业与国际旗舰企业双方关系对企业组织学习效用存在着影响,并且是起到了正向影响。即企业间合作关系越好,对本土企业组织学习越有促进作用。其中,在所有组织学习影响因素中是相关系数最高,影响作用最大的。本土企业的学习态度中组织学习文化对企业组织学习效用存在着影响,并且是起到了正向的影响。即企业内组织文化越支持、鼓励员工的对外学习,对本土企业组织学习的促进作用越好。再者,企业参与全球制造网络采用的组织制造模式对企业间合作关系、学习能力与组织学习效用之间的起到一定的调制作用,能够促进或消弱他们之间的相关关系。当企业间合作关系良好,企业采用紧密型的治理模式参与制造网络时,由于交易成本的增加,反而会导致知识转移效用的降低。另一方面,本土企业的学习能力普遍偏低,虽然对组织学习效用没有直接的影响,但是当企业采取合适的治理模式的时,本土企业的学习能力的增强还是能够推动有效推动组织学习效用的增加。

【Abstract】 Since the 1970s, Global Production Network has become a trend in the globalization development of manufacturing sector. In the new competitive environment, old mode between enterprises has evolved into the network confrontation and collaboration, which makes Chinese manufacturers have the opportunity to get into the globalization process of manufacturing. Currently, being participants in Global Production Network, many Chinese manufacturing enterprises have expanded the boundaries of traditional production systems, and effectively integrated the Global Production Network resources by using different governance models. They seize the opportunity to study and acquire knowledge to grow and develop.This article first analyzes the process of Organizational learning in the Global Production Network systematically, and constructs the conceptual model of Organizational learning affecting factors can in the Global Production Network. Simultaneously, this research pays more attention to study and make an analysis of Organizational learning affecting factors based Governance Modal Choice in the global manufacturing network. The results suggest that:(1) Based Governance Modal Choice Organizational learning affecting factors in the Global Production Network include: Knowledge Attributes, Cooperation Relationship, local enterprises’ Learning Ability, local enterprises’ Learning attitude and Organizational learning Culture.(2) Knowledge Attributes affects the effect of Organizational learning. The more complex and tacit the knowledge is, the harder the local enterprises to learn. The relationship between local enterprises and Global Production Flagship positive affects the effect of Organizational learning. The better they cooperation, the easier the local enterprises to learn. And this affecting factor has the greatest influence in all affecting factors in Organizational learning. Local enterprises’ Organizational learning Culture positive affects the effect of Organizational learning. The more Local enterprises encourage their employees to learn, the more knowledge they get from the Global Production Flagship.(3) The Governance Modals which local enterprises to use to involve the GlobalProduction Network have modulating action in the effect of Organizational learning affecting factors: Cooperation Relationship, local enterprises’ Learning Ability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】F406;F224
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】248