

Research on Resource Management in Grid Environment

【作者】 孙常莹

【导师】 袁满;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 网格是构筑在互联网基础之上的新兴分布式计算技术。它通过整合分布在各地的计算、存储和通信资源,为动态变化的虚拟组织的成员提供更为广泛的资源共享。网格是通过集中分散的资源来完成大的作业任务,资源的共享是一种集中资源的手段。网格通过对资源的高度抽象将网络上分散的资源以用户可见的接口提供给用户使用。网格的动态性和多样性使网格对资源的管理需要动态的考虑。本文首先对网格的研究现状、基本概念、体系结构做了阐述,并对MDS,RLS等关键技术进行了深入的研究。同时结合油田数据管理方面的需要,提出了基于网格的分布式数据管理平台模型;其次,重点研究了模型中涉及的两项关键技术——网格资源监测和发现以及副本定位服务,在对资源监测和发现模型的研究过程中,提出了一种在客户端实现对网格资源监测的方法并实现了一个MDS客户端查询原型;最后,基于所提出的模型设计了分布式数据管理系统,并对原型系统进行了部分实现。结果表明,分布式数据管理的模型可以在各个部件的协同工作下,将具有副本的大数据量的数据的访问问题很好的管理起来。实现了对网格环境下的副本资源的管理。

【Abstract】 Grid is a new emerging technology, which is based on Internet. It provides more widespread resources sharing for the dynamic change VO’s members, by integrating computation resources, the memory resources and the correspondence resources, which are distributed on network. The grid completes the big work task through collecting distributed resources, and resources sharing are one method of collecting resources. The grid provides the visible interface to the user by highly abstracting the resource, which is distributed on network. Grid is dynamic and diverse, and that needs the dynamic consideration in grid resources management.Firstly, on the basis of the studies of grid architecture, MDS, RLS, and combined with the requirement of data management of Oil Field, this thesis advances a platform model of distributed data management based on grid. Secondly, it focuses on two points of key technologies involved in the model. One is grid resources monitoring and discovery, the other is Replica Location Services. In resources monitor and discovery model research process, a method of aggregating information based on MDS is advanced, and a prototype of MDS query client is implemented. Finally, based on the model which proposed has designed the distributed data management system, and has implemented the partial functions in the prototype system.It is proved that the distributed data management model by the cooperation of each part could have the problem of the great data accessing managed. The replica resources management has been completed in grid.

【关键词】 网格GlobusMDSRLSGridFTP副本资源管理
【Key words】 GridGlobusMDSRLSGridFTPReplica Resource Management
  • 【分类号】TP393.07
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】134