

The Research on Transportion Law of Anticorrisive Pipeline Used in Oilfield

【作者】 孙晓宝

【导师】 韩洪升;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 油气储运工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 针对油田管道的腐蚀现象,本文研究了油田地面工程中三种防腐性能优良的管道。它们是用于输送原油和污水用的纳米涂层管道,输送油田污水用的钢骨架增强塑料复合管和连续增强塑料复合管。本文对这三种管道的管输规律进行了研究。其中的纳米涂层管道是用采用类荷叶结构的纳米三防涂料处理的管道,这种涂料有疏水和疏油的超双疏特性。室内实验和现场试验表明了:纳米涂层管道在输油过程中不仅压降梯度更小,输油温度更低,防垢、防结蜡效果明显,具有防腐、防垢、防结蜡的“三防”特性,而且使用年限大大增加。通过经济效益预测,发现这种管道初投资较小,经济效益显著。通过对钢骨架增强塑料复合管和连续增强塑料复合管的实验研究,验证并修正了伍德公式、伯拉休斯公式和海澄-威廉公式这三种常见的沿程水头损失计算公式,明确了这两种管道管件的局部水头损失,为这两种非金属管道水力热力设计提供了基础数据,这对提高水力设计的准确性及可靠性,具有极为重要的意义。

【Abstract】 In view of corrosion phenomenon occur on the pipeline of oil field, this thesis studied three kinds of anticorrosive pipelines which were used in the construction of oil field. They are: pipeline with nanometer layer which is used to transport crude oil and waste water, the polythene composite pipeline with steel skeleton and the successively strengthen polythene composite pipeline, both of which are used to transport waste water of oil field. It studied the transportion law of these pipelines. The pipeline with nanometer layer is one of them. It was processed with nanometer three-proofing paint that has the similar construction with lotus leaf. This kind of paint has the nature of hydrophobicity and oleophobic property. After doing experiment in the laboratory and field, we know that the pipeline with nanometer layer is able to not only transport the emulsion with lower pressure gradient and in lower temperature, protect corrosion, antiscale, but also be used for a longer time. By mean of predicting the economic results, the result is that the initial investment of this kind of pipeline is relatively low, the economic is noticeable. To comprehend the characteristic of other two kinds of nonmetal pipelines, the experiment was done, soon afterwards the common formulas for calculating on way resistance were verified and modified. These formulas are Wood Formula, H.Blasius Formula, Hazen-Williams Formula. The head loss of local resistance was also calculated. This can supply fundamental datum for hydraulic design and thermodynamic design, which can enhance its accuracy and credibility. This is very significative to the construction of oil field.

  • 【分类号】TE832
  • 【被引频次】3
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