

The Reference of International Experience and Research of Commercial Bank’s Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Loan

【作者】 高辉

【导师】 贾墨月;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 金融学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 环顾当今世界,不论是在发达国家还是发展中国家,中小企业都已成为或正在成为国民经济的重要支柱。同样,中小企业在我国经济中扮演着重要的角色。据统计,目前我国中小企业占全国注册企业总数的99%。绝大多数中小企业是民营企业,有相对明晰的所有权结构,资信状况良好。帮助中小企业更加容易地获得贷款,有助于整个银行业的稳健发展,也有助于银行主动对资产负债结构进行调整,对于保持我国经济持续、快速、协调、健康发展,构建社会主义和谐社会具有十分重要的意义。但我们也必须看到,虽然目前中小企业数量多、贡献大,但受银行业金融机构利益导向、企业融资渠道匾乏、信息不对称、信用担保缺失等缺陷的限制,面临着严重的融资难问题。在欧美许多发达国家,关于中小企业信贷的研究已较为成熟,也不乏成功的案例。早在上个世纪,面临银行间日益残酷的竞争和存贷利差日益缩短的局面,欧美一些跨国银行就将中小企业信贷业务作为重要的利润增长点,并且取得了巨大成功。然而在中国,国内商业银行普遍对中小企业信贷业务缺乏足够的重视,加之在中小企业信贷流程和管理方式上存在严重问题,中小企业贷款难问题始终得不到解决。根据WTO的协议,06年底中国金融业将全面对外开放,届时大量的外资银行将纷纷涌入,我国银行能否解决好中小企业信贷问题,不仅关系到我国中小企业的发展,更关系到我国银行业的未来。本文通过借鉴国外银行的成功经验,并结合中国商业银行的实际情况,试图提出建议解决我国商业银行中小企业信贷难于开展的问题。

【Abstract】 Looking around the world, whether developed countries or developing countries, SME(small and medium-sized enterprises) have been or being the important support of the national economy. SME is also very important in economy of our country. In accordance with statistics, SME take over 99% in all Chinese enterprises. Most of SME belong to private person, have relative explicit proprietor’s authority structures, and keep a rather good credit record. Therefore, helping SME to get financing smoothly, contributes to the steadily development of all banking industry, and conduce to adjustment in banks’ asset-liability construction. It also has optimistic meaning to keep steadily, quickly, harmoniously and healthily development of Chinese economy, and construct harmonious society in socialism. But we must realize that because of the limits such as profit-oriented conception in financial institutions, lack of financing channels, dissymmetry in message exchange, shortage of credit guarantees and etc., SME have confronted with many difficulties in financing in spite of their large quantity and contribution.At many developed countries in Europe and America, the research of SME’s loan has already matured, and has many successful cases. But the problem of SME’s loan have not yet solved. According to the agreement of WTO, bank industry will open up to all country in the end of 2006, at that time international bank will come in china, the problem of SME’s loan will not only relate to development of our country’s SME, but also relate to future of our bank industry.From bank’s eyes, The article firstly discusses the actuality and problem of SME’s loan, secondly introduces the cases of financing in SME in some other countries and areas, lastly put forwards the measures of SME’s loan in China.

  • 【分类号】F832.4;F831
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】745
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