

Study on the Plantecology and Phytogeography of Middle Late Paleozoic-early Late Permian in Western Hills of Beijing

【作者】 赫英福

【导师】 孙克勤;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 古生物学与地层学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 研究区包括北京市灰峪和军庄两个地区,本文研究的化石主要产自于太原组至石盒子组。作者于2005—2007年先后赴北京西山军庄和灰峪地区采集化石,共采集鉴定化石200余块,室内鉴定12属13种,实地收集了大量的第一手资料。由于剖面部分被破坏,本文作者在系统采集剖面化石的基础之上,又结合了前人的研究结果,统计共有植物化石32属76种,对太原组至石盒子组地层中的古植物化石进行了较为详细和系统的研究。北京西山植物群以真蕨纲和种子蕨纲最为繁盛,占植物群种数的46.1%,其次为楔叶纲,占30.3%,石松纲植物居于第三位,为11.8%;其次为科达纲,苏铁纲,银杏纲,松柏纲等。经研究,确定北京西山植物群属种成分和总体面貌属于华夏植物群,发现了大量的华夏植物群的特征分子:Lepidodendron posthumii,L. incertum,L. oculus-felis,Neuropteris ovata,Emplectopteris triangularis,Lobatannularia sinensis,Fascipteris Halle等,其基本面貌与华夏植物群华北亚区面貌基本一致。对本区晚石炭世中期至晚二叠世早期植物群的特征、组合带进行了论述,将本区植物群与国内外13个同期植物群进行了对比。在系统研究植物群的基础之上,作者对植物群的古生态和古气候进行了深入研究,分析了植物化石的埋藏类型,划分了四个植物群落:滨海湖泊沼泽植物群落、滨海冲积平原植物群落、山前平原河湖沼泽植物群落、内陆河湖植物群落,论证了各植物群落的特征,推断北京西山地区晚石炭世中期—晚二叠世早期的气候为湿润、温暖的热带、亚热带气候。对本区建立了4个植物组合带:Linopteris brongniartii-Paripteris kaipi-ngiana组合、Neuropteris ovata-Lepidodendron posthumii组合、Emplectopteris triangular-ris-Lobatannularia sinensis-Sphenophyllum thonii组合、Lobatannularia ensifolia-Fascipteris halle组合。本文采用聚类分析法,对华夏植物群华北亚区内的十个植物化石产地进行了区域划分和对比,根据其统计分类结果,发现华北亚区内部呈东西向展布。与李星学(1995)所划分的华夏植物群有所差异,但具有一定的合理性。通过结果的对比与研究,寻找其中的异同,判断差异产生的原因,希望利用一些定量分析手段,对植物地理分区起到一定的辅助作用。

【Abstract】 The fossil plants discussed in this paper were collected from the Taiyuan, Shanxi and Shihezi Formations over the areas of Huiyu and Junzhuang in the west hills of Beijng. The author has collected more than 200 fossils from the areas during year 2005 to 2007 and identified 13 species in 12 genera. Base on the fossils gathering and the data of Predecessors, the author gives a systematic analysis of the fossil plants from Taiyuan to Shihezi Formations, counts 76 species in 32 genera. According to statistics, there are 76 species in 32 genera. The Beijing Xishan flora is most prosperous by the Filicopsida and Pterdospermopsida, occupies 46.1%, next for Sphenopsida, accounts for 30.3%, Lycopsida the third, accounts for 11.8%, then Cordaitopsida, Cacadopsida, Ginkgopsida and Coniferae and so on. The flora includes a lot of characteristic species of Cathaysia flora, such as Lepidodendron posthumii, L. incertum, L. oculus-felis, Neuropteris ovata, Emplectopteris triangularis, Lobatannularia sinensis, Fascipteris halle and so on. The overall appearance is consistent with the north sub-area of the Cathaysia flora.The author studies the features and the assemblages of the flora, carried on the contrast with 13 floras during the same period at home and abroad. The author also makes further study on the palaeoecology and the taphonomic types of the fossil plants. The fossil plants are divided into four plant assembl-ages, namely, Coast-lake bog community, Coast-alluvial plain community, Front mountain-lake bog community, Inland-river-lake community. The flora indicates a humid-warm close to tropical to subtropical climate in Late Carboniferous to Late Permian. There are four plant combination belts in this area: Linopteris brongniartii-Paripteris kaipingiana assemblage, Neuropteris ovata-Lepidodendron posthumii assemblage, Emplectopteris triangularis-Lobatannularia sinensis-Sphe-nophyllum thonii assemblage, Lobatannularia ensifolia-Fascipteris halle assembl-age.Based on the approach of Cluster Analysis Method, this essay has carried on the region division and the contrast to the ten plant fossils habitat in the north sub-area ofthe Cathaysia flora. According to its statistical result, the north sub-area is in East-West distribution. There has certain rationality though it is a little different from the Cathaysia flora divided by Li Xingxue (1995). The purpose of the study is to make some assistance function to the Phytogeography by using quantitative analysis methods.

  • 【分类号】Q914
  • 【被引频次】1
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