

A Study on the Humanistic Design of the City Pedestrian Space

【作者】 孙俊

【导师】 莫天伟;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 建筑设计及理论, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 城市复苏的根本在于城市活力的重新焕发,而焕发活力的根本在于人类生存的基本条件得到保证,这包括两个方面:物质提供和精神尊重。本文从大尺度的城市设计刨开冰山一角,关注城市中最大多数人密切相关的城市步行空间。 本文强调步行空间在城市规划和设计中的意义。通过研究和探索城市生活形态的承袭与变化,以求重建城市步行空间的生成方式,进而推动城市生活形态的变化,提高城市生活质量,让城市这个大生命体重新焕发活力。 通过对烟台市城市设计进行全面的问卷调查,研究城市发展的现状并寻找市民最关心也是最不满意的地方,从中发现实际中存在的问题,并以此引出了了本文的选题——如何创造一个让市民满意的步行空间即人性化步行空间。通过调研发现问题是本论文的研究起点。 进而本文从“以人为本”的角度对步行空间设计方法进行了研究,从最贴近人的尺度对步行空间进行分析。具体分析时结合马斯洛的五个需求层次,归纳出了对城市步行空间设计进行研究的三个视角:人的生理和安全的需求、人的行为和心理的需求、人的文化和审美的需求,并从这三个方面进行深入分析。从最基本的人的视角,也就是从问题的本源出发来研究步行空间是本论文的研究方法。 通过对问题的研究总结出城市步行空间的基本组织原则,并强调将步行空间设计纳入到“以人为本”的城市设计政策与技术框架当中去研究,并期待将来可以为人性化步行空间的规划和设计建立一套技术规范和评价指标,并将其有效的实施。同时利用研究结果,切实解决烟台的问题,为烟台的步行空间设计提供思路和方法。进而达到调控城市的发展方向,完善步行层面城市的尺度分配,重新找回在城市建设发展过程中失去的魅力,使之成为一个生活场景丰富、交通便捷、可走可坐、适宜居住休闲、特色鲜明、尺度宜人的“小”城。通过研究解决实际问题是本论文研究的意义所在。

【Abstract】 The basis of the resuscitation of a city lies in the coruscation of the city’s livingness, while the basis of the coruscation of the city’s livingness is based on the assurance of the basic conditions of the people’s life, which include the following two: the material supply and the spiritual respect. In this essay, the author starts from the large scale design of city and focuses on the pedestrian space for the majority citizens in the city who have a quite close relationship with the pedestrian space.In this essay, the author lays emphasis on the great significance of the pedestrian space in the city planning and designing. Through studying and exploring the adoption and the change of city life, the author try to reestablish the pedestrian space, and then we could reestablish the modality of city life and improve the living standard in city, thus enable the whole city to coruscate its energy once again.The author has studied the present situation of the city development and tried to find the points that citizens cared most and dissatisfied most through an overall questionnaire on Yantai city designing. Then the author finds out existing problems in practice and thereby selects the subject of the essay — how to create a satisfactory pedestrian space, that is, a humanistic pedestrian space. The starting point of this essay is to find out problems through investigation.Then the author makes profound study on how to carry on designing method for pedestrian space from the point of view of humanism. From the criterion which is closest to people the author makes analysis on the pedestrian system and from the five levels of requirement of Maslow the author gets three angles of view for the designing of the city pedestrian space: the requirement of the physical and safety characteristic of people; the requirement of the behavioral psychological characteristics of people; the requirement of the culture and the aesthetic characteristics of people. The studying approach of this essay is to study pedestrian space from the most essential and subtle criterion of human, that is , from the origin of the problem.Through the study of the problem the author concludes the basic organic principle of the city pedestrian space and emphasizes the necessity of bringing the city pedestrian space designing into the city planning policy and technical framework. The author looks forward to establishing a set of technical standards for the planning and designing of humanism pedestrian space and putting the standards into effect in the future. At the same time, on the basis of the findings this essay tries to solve the existing problems of Yantai city and provide the train of thought and method for the designing of Yantai city pedestrian space. Hence the developing orientation of the city can be regulated; the distribution of the city criterion can be improved from the aspect of walking; the charm of the city which was lost during the course of the city’s construction and development can be pursued. Thus the city is built into a ’small’ city with fine characteristics which is suitable for living and entertainment, is abundant in living spaces with convenient transportation where people can either travel or stay. The significance of this essay is to solve the existing problems through study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU984.113
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1673