

Research of Advanced Audio Coding in the Digital Amplitude Modulation Broadcast

【作者】 陆泱

【导师】 吴乐南;

【作者基本信息】 东南大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究中波数字调幅广播(DAMB)系统信源编码中的先进音频编码(AAC)。欧洲标准DRM是当前唯一能够同时服务于长、中、短波频段的数字广播系统,采用OFDM体制,调制时同时利用幅度和相位两路信号,属于单边带调制,10KHz的信道带宽可以充分利用,实际传输的信号带宽能达到10KHz,这需要改造发射机,而这里的DAMB不改动现有的广播发射机,仍利用双边带调幅体制。优点是可以实现大范围的信号覆盖,并且接收机简单、易于实现、价格不高。但带来的问题是实际能利用的带宽只有一半,音质受到影响(带宽、噪音、信道衰落),只能用于信道条件相对较好的中波段数字调幅广播。因而与DRM信源编码相比,在相同的带宽下,DAMB信源编码的输出比特率降低很多,压缩率必须大大提高,其信源编码中的音频编码采用AAC编码。在输入信号的基础上,利用已知的心理声学模型规则可以算出一个与当前(与时间关联)掩蔽门限的估计值,在AAC系统中用了心理声学模型2。从掩蔽门限可以得到信号的掩蔽比(信号掩蔽比就是对输入信号能够掩蔽掉多大量化噪声的一个估计)。在量化阶段,对任何给定数据率都可以利用信号掩蔽比使量化信号的可闻失真最小,编码阶段则对控制系数和量化系数进行霍夫曼编码,得到编码比特流。以往的音频编码方式中,对于原始数据,使用降低采样率、降低音频带宽、减少量化级数等传统方法进行压缩编码,压缩率大约可以达到15:1。但是过多使用这些方法会使得感知音质的可理解性和可识别度下降。AAC使用心理声学模型,以感知音质为标准进行压缩编码,在保证感知音质的前提下,可以达到较高的压缩比。本文研究了AAC编码软件实现的优化,对其中的音频带宽控制、心理声学模型算法和量化编码模块等做出了改进。为了适合在中波数字调幅广播中的传输,改变了AAC编码的帧长,使用了相应的快速算法,加入了错误保护的新工具。在Windows XP操作系统下使用Visual C++工具,把MPEG-4 AAC的码率降低到本系统所能支持的10/16kbps,解码后输出音频带宽为与AM广播相应的50Hz-7kHz,可以保持尽可能好的音质;在理论分析的基础上,调整了MPEG-4 AAC的参数,以适应改动后的音频带宽和输出码率。

【Abstract】 This text studies the Advanced Audio Coding (AAC ) in the source code of systematic letter of Digital Amplitude Modulation Broadcasting (DAMB ). Europe standard DRM can serve long , digital broadcast system , medium-short wave of frequency band at the same time only at present, adopting OFDM system, utilizes signal of the range and phase place at the same time when modulating, it is modulated that is the single sideband, the channel width of 10KHz can be fully utilized , the bandwidth of signal transmitted actually can reach 10KHz , this needs to transform the transmitter, but DAMB here does not change the existing broadcast transmitter, still utilize and take the amplitude modulation system bilaterally. The advantage is that it can realize the signal on a large scale covers , and the receiver is simple , easy to realize , the price is not high. But the question brought is the bandwidth that the reality can be utilized there is half only, the tone quality is influenced (the bandwidth, noise , channel decline), can only be used in channel condition relatively better hitting the digital amplitude modulation broadcasting of wave band. Therefore compared with DRM letter source code, under the same bandwidth, bit rates of DAMB source code output reduces a lot, the compressing rate must raise greatly, the audio coding in its source code adopts AAC .On the basis of input signal, psychological acoustics model rule known already to spend can calculate one estimated value, masking threshold at present (with time related), have used the psychological acoustics model 2 in AAC system. From masking threshold, it can get Noise Masking Rate. In quantization stage , give to any data rate can utilize signal is it quantize the hearing distortedly and minimum of the signal making to shelter definitely, the code carries on Haffman’s code in controlling coefficient and quantization coefficient at stage, get the code bit stream.Past audio frequency code among the way, as to initial data, is it reduce samplerate, reduce audio frequency bandwidth , reduce quantization progression traditional method compress the code to use, the compressing rate can probably be up to 15:1. But too much use of these methods can make apprehending and discerning degree of perceptible audio quality drop too much. AAC uses the psychological acoustics model, regards perceptible audio quality as the standard and compresses the code, on the premise of guaranteeing perceptible audio quality, can reach higher compression ratio.This text code improved optimization software realize of AAC. It include control to audio frequency bandwidth among them , psychological acoustics model algorithm and quantize code module ,etc. In order to be suitable for the transmission in the digital amplitude modulation broadcasting channel, the frame length of AAC code has changed , having use the correspondingfast algorithm, and the new tool that the error protected joined.Using Visual C ++ tool under the operating system Windows XP, it reduce bit rate of MPEG-4 AAC to10/16kbps that this system can supported to. After decoding the bandwidth of the audio frequency is 50Hz-7kHz that correspond with AM radio sets, which can keep the tone quality as good as possible. On the basis of t the theory analysis, it has adjusted the parameter of MPEG-4 AAC, in order to adapt to the bandwidth of audio frequency after changing bandwidth of the audio frequency and bit rate.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 01期
  • 【分类号】TN912.3;TN934.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】158