

The Study of the Intelligent Box Body Equipment of Hatches

【作者】 侯满宏

【导师】 徐洪吉; 姜涛;

【作者基本信息】 长春理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 孵化设备是仿生学的一个应用,模拟自然界的孵化环境,提供胚胎发育的适宜条件,用于家禽种蛋的孵化。其控制系统是一个多变量、多耦合、多干扰、大滞后的复杂动态系统。根据孵化工艺,将整个系统分解成温度控制子系统、湿度控制子系统和风门控制子系统。本系统采用了间接模糊解耦方法。 为了提高孵化机温度控制精度并简化控制结构,加温系统采用多组加热管,由过零触发固态继电器控制。本系统选用AD590集成温度传感器和法国HUMIREL公司的电容式湿度传感器HS1101。采用的四位半(14位)双积分型A/D转换器ICL7135,具有精度高、低噪声、低漂移等特点,以及很强的抗工频干扰的能力。 为了提高控制系统的可靠性和经济性,本系统采用MCS51系列单片机。系统硬件结构除了常规设计外,扩展一片EEPROM 93C86存储系统的设定值以及专家系统所需的数据。本系统具有存储和显示孵化过程中温度、湿度等记录的功能,并有各种运行状态显示与报警功能。并提供标准的串行通讯口,便于和上位机实现主从式群控系统。 实验表明,该系统运行稳定可靠,明显地提高了孵化率,减少了弱雏数量。

【Abstract】 Hatch equipment is one of the applications of the bionics. It imitates the natural hatching environment and provides the fitting condition of the embryo upgrowth. It can be used in the domesticated fowl breeding egg of the hatching. The hatching machine control system is multivariable, multi-couplings; multi-disturbances and big lag complex dynamic system. According to the hatching craft, the overall system can be decomposed into three parts: the temperature control subsystem, the humidity control subsystem and the throttle control subsystem. The system has used the indirect fuzzy decoupling method.In order to increase the hatching machine temperature control precision and simplifies the control structure, the warming system uses the multi-group preheated pipe controlled by the zero crossing triggering solid state relay. The system selects the AD590 integration temperature sensor and French HUMIREL Corporation’s capacity type humidity sensor HS1101. The system uses four half (14 bytes)double integral A/D switch ICL 7135, it has the high precision, the low noise, the low drifting as well as very strong anti-power frequency disturbance ability and so onIn order to enhance the reliability and the efficiency of the control system, The system uses the MCS51 series monolithic integrated circuit. Except conventional design, the system hardware architecture expands data which piece of EEPROM the 93C86 memory system the setting value as well as the expert system needs. The temperature and humidity merit has been memorized and demonstrated in the hatching process recording, and it has the demonstration of each kind of running status and alarming function. The system provides the standard serial communication connection; it can realize the group control system of host and subordinate type with the master computer.The experiment indicates that the system is stable and reliable; it enhances the hatching rate obviously and reduces the weak young quantity.

  • 【分类号】S817
  • 【被引频次】7
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