

2.4GHz WLAN RF Front-End Circuit Design

【作者】 杨昆

【导师】 房少军;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要分析了工作于2.4GHz ISM频段的无线局域网接收机,着重分析了其射频前端电路的链路预算,仿真了外差式接收机射频前端部分模块电路,设计实现了ISM频段的微带天线、低噪声放大器和混频器模块,并对其性能进行了测试和分析。还对链路预算进行了软件仿真,在不能完全实现系统的情况下,对接收机系统性能进行了估算。 第一章为绪论,说明了无线局域网的历史以及发展。第二章主要介绍了IEEE802.11.b无线局域网的射频参数以及射频接收机各模块的基本参数,例如S参数、噪声系数、1dB压缩点、三阶截断点等常用衡量射频模块性能的指标。第三章主要结合本文作者在Motorola电子有限公司(北京)NTWS RF部门CDMA组的实习经验,介绍第二章所述参数的常用测量方法。第四章介绍了常用接收机的结构,同时针对不同接收机不同特点进行了分析,并给出解决其缺陷的一般性理论。着重介绍了外差式接收机及其衍生结构。第五章对本文所设计接收机应用ADS软件进行了接收链路预算,给出了仿真结果。第六章介绍了微带天线的基本理论,主要以矩形贴片微带天线模型为基础介绍了腔模理论及其在矩形贴片微带天线中的应用。第七章结合实习经验,设计并实现了应用于2.45GHz的低噪声放大器、混频器和天线,同时给出了实现模块的仿真结果以及部分测试数据。

【Abstract】 This thesis mainly discusses a WLAN receiver working at ISM band--2.4GHz,it focuses on the architecture of RF front-end circuit and budget of RX link. In this thesis, modules of receiver RF front-end are simulated: antenna, LNA, mixer working at this band are fulfilled, and their performances are tested. Meanwhile, the whole receiver is simulated though the total system hasn’t been fulfilled, this paper also estimates the performance of the receiver system.The first chapter is an introduction. It demonstrates the history and development of WLAN. The second chapter mainly discusses RF parameters related to IEEE802.11b WLAN such as S parameter, Noise Figure, ldB compression point, third intercept point, etc. The third chapter incorporates the intern experience of the author at Motorola Electronics Limited(Beijing) NTWS RF Department CDMA team, and introduces the test method of parameters which are talked about in chapter 2.Chapter 4 introduces general receiver architectures and analyzes the difference of different kinds of receivers. General methods to improve performance of receiver are listed. It focuses on superdyne receivers. The fifth chapter simulates the receiver which is designed in this paper using ADS.RX link budget is also done in this chapter, and simulation results are brought forward. The last chapter fulfilled three modules of the receiver: LNA, antenna and the mixer test results are listed in detail.

  • 【分类号】TN925.93
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】659