

Trying Discuss the TempleVcham of Tibetan Buddhism

【作者】 万代吉

【导师】 杨士宏;

【作者基本信息】 西北民族大学 , 中国少数民族艺术, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 佛教自七世纪传入西藏后,与当地文化融合发展形成藏传佛教。其中佛教舞蹈作为佛教仪礼的组成部分,随佛教传入藏地,并经过本土化和民族化,被纳入本土文化的内容。这是文化的“整合”或“趋同”,它是指每一种文化都会把异质的东西整合成为和自己同一的元素。同时文化本身随之发生变异,使之更适合于当地的自然及社会环境。本文试图通过对“羌姆”的田野调查、资料的收集以及运用相关的理论,来探索藏传佛教法舞——羌姆的形成、发展、表演程式和艺术特征等。其中记载的田野调查实例,是对拉卜楞寺宗教舞蹈现状的一笔真实的纪录。全文共有五章,主要论述的内容有,“羌姆”的形成,即它是在印度佛教舞蹈“金刚舞”的基础上充分吸收本民族的传统舞蹈而形成了具有藏传佛教特色的佛教舞蹈。而且在经过佛教在藏地发展的“前弘期”和“后弘期”,特别是在“后弘期”时,佛教发展出众多的派别,各个派别充分利用“羌姆”这种宗教艺术来宣扬本派的教理,“羌姆”得到了迅速的发展,形成了丰富的形式和内容,同时逐渐形成了自己独特的表演程式和艺术特征等。

【Abstract】 When Buddhism introduced into Tibet at the seventh century, it developed to the Buddhism of Tibet .Thereinto, The Buddhist dance is the composition of the Buddhism, so Buddhist dance also transmitted to Tibet. The course of culture spreading occurred all kinds of relationship with the local culture. After domesticated and nationalized thorough. It had been absorbed into local culture. The cultural conformity with culture spreading .It is refers each kind of cultural conformity with own identical element .Simultaneously cultural oneself has the variation again along with it .cause it to suit to the local nature and society’s environment .This dissertation try to find to more facts of Tibetan Buddhist dance which formed, developed, performing formality and art character by fieldwork and collection. All details and examples from the field in this article is an authentic of religious dance in laibuleng. This dissertation includes five chapters. It is said that“qiang mu”formed between cultural collision and fuse. It became Buddhist dance with Tibetan distinguishing features.

  • 【分类号】J722.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】495