

Research on the Developmental Strategy of Xi’an Chengdong Passenger Station

【作者】 党兰萍

【导师】 熊义杰;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 客运站是一个城市的门户,反映着城市经济、文化、城市建设的面貌。近年来,从全国客运市场发展情况看,旅客运输正向经营社会化、市场开放化、运输快速化、管理规范化等方向发展。客运市场的发展,给客运站的建设于管理提出了新的要求,如何依据客运市场的发展规律,制定一个符合自身要求的发展战略,是西安城东客运站亟待解决的一个重大问题,也是决定一个企业兴衰的关键所在。本文从企业发展战略角度出发,运用企业战略管理理论,结合企业的实际,对西安城东客运站所处的内、外部环境做了详细的分析。首先,应用PEST分析方法对该企业所处的政治、经济、社会文化等宏观环境以及旅客运输行业、客运站场的现状等中观环境分别进行了详细的分析。在这些分析的基础上明确了西安城东客运站的外部环境所提供的发展机会与所面临的主要威胁。然后,采用实证分析和规范分析相结合、整体分析与局部分析相结合的办法,对西安城东客运站的管理模式、人力资源、基础设施、企业文化以及参营车辆和旅客服务等内部环境进行了分析,明确了当前企业所具备的竞争优势和所存在的劣势。最后,应用SWOT矩阵分析法,为西安城东客运站发展战略做了整体的规划,提出了具体的战略目标(2007年-2009年,西安城东客运站的硬件配备处全国交通系统先进水平;2009年-2012年,综合实力居陕西省第一;2012年-2017年,综合实力达到国内一流并且迈向国际化)以及“三步走”战略。另外,为了确保战略方案的有效实施,本文为西安城东客运站的战略实施制定了详细的执行计划,并确立了战略实施对策以及保障措施。本文是对西安城东客运站的发展战略的制定进行的实证分析与研究,其研究成果不仅对西安城东客运站的进一步发展有实用价值,而且对其他同类型企业经营也有一定的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Passenger station is a gate of one city. It shows a city’s economy, culture, and city construction. In recent years, from the development of the national passenger transportation market it is knew that the passenger transportation is becoming more social and more opening. The development of the passenger transportation market asks a new request for Xi’an Chengdong Passenger Station. So, how to make a development strategy combining actual characteristic of Xi’an Chengdong Passenger Station is an important problem that the Xi’an Chengdong Passenger Station has to solve urgently and it is also a bottlenecks to Xi’an Chengdong Passenger Station’s development.At the angle of development strategy of the enterprise, based on the theories of strategy management, combining actual characteristic of this enterprise, this paper makes external analysis and internal analysis on Xi’an Chengdong Passenger Station. Firstly, the macro-environment of Xi’an Chengdong Passenger Station is analyzed by the method of PEST, and the state and the trend of the whole transport market are studied. Based on those, the opportunity and threat that external environment condition of Xi’an Chengdong Passenger Station faces are confirmed. Secondly, combing the resources with management state inside Xi’an Chengdong Passenger Station enterprises, the main activity and the assisting activity are analyzed. Then, the strength and the weakness inside Xi’an Chengdong Passenger Station are worked out. Finally, according to the analysis of SWOT, the author works out an integrated development strategy for Xi’an Chengdong Passenger Station, and the detailed method is carried on to this development strategy. In this strategy, it is indicated in order to face those challenges Xi’an Chengdong Passenger Station must make every effort to find a bigger place to move to. So Xi’an Chengdong Passenger Station can indefectibly stand in the new-economy situation through moving to a new place an becoming bigger. At the same time, in order to safeguard the effective implementation of strategic plan, the control system is founded for Xi’an Chengdong Passenger Station, and put forward a concrete and detailed implementing proposal in 3 respects: to improve the management level, to raise the enterprises-culture and to perfect the structure.This paper is the analysis and research on the development strategic of Xi’an Chengdong Passenger Station. It gives the certain practical value to its planning and carrying out the development strategy. At the same time, it can make reference role to the other mineral enterprises and has lesson or experience for their decision-marking.

  • 【分类号】F542
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】108