

【作者】 王小宁

【导师】 康凤举;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 论文结合“鱼雷靶场对抗试验分布交互仿真系统”项目,解决了多平台对抗仿真系统总体设计、复杂系统建模、联邦成员开发、统计仿真自动化等关键技术,采用pRTI2.0构建了一个包含8个联邦成员的、基于高层体系结构(High Level Architecture,HLA)的鱼雷武器对抗分布交互仿真系统(Torpedo Weapon Counterwork Simulation System,TWCSS)的研制。论文主要研究成果如下: 一、综合分析了国内外水下航行器仿真的发展现状及趋势,介绍了HLA的体系结构、通讯机制、时间机制、可扩展性及互操作性等技术特点,针对RTI_API的复杂性,解决了时间管理策略制定及公布/订购声明的自动化、RTI与仿真应用之间通用接口等技术问题,完成了基于HLA的仿真系统总体结构设计。 二、在以往基于通用微机的分布交互仿真系统中,因网络传输而难以实现大容量的鱼雷声自导信息仿真问题,为此,提出了一种适用于通用微机的鱼雷武器仿真模型分配方法,即在联邦成员设计时,将鱼雷分为两个部分:一是基于六自由度的动力学运动学模型、弹道控制模型,二是基于空间基阵探测的鱼雷自导头解算模型,前者单独作为一个联邦成员,后者则和从靶雷、诱饵模型中分离出来的目标环境空间生成模型相耦合,并组成自导联邦成员。运行结果表明,该方法既保证了仿真的实时性,又提高了模型解算的精确性。 三、针对TWCSS仿真统计的需要,建立了测量误差、初始设定误差等随机误差模型,采用仿真自动复位技术,完成了仿真统计参数界面设计,解决了联邦同步、数据采集与分析、仿真回放等技术问题,实现了在网络条件下多武器平台的作战对抗统计仿真的自动化,并给出了一组统计仿真的应用算例。 四、研究了仿真运行的时间性能测试方法,解决了系统体系结构优化配置、模型和软件的优化设计等技术,使系统网上数据更新周期由原先的50ms减小到20ms,有效提高了仿真精度和效率。 本文首次实现了具有较为精确的六自由度鱼雷动力学模型和自导探测模型仿真的TWCSS,该系统具有良好的可扩展性及可重构性,已成功应用于某靶场的水下武器系统的试验方案设计研究,得到用户好评,已取得良好的社会效益与经济效益。其相关成果已通过国防科工委组织的专家鉴定,结论为“具有国际先进水平”,“在国防武器装备研制中具有推广应用价值”。

【Abstract】 Keeping pace with the latest progress in the distributed interactive simulation technology, this thesis puts forward a novel blueprint of HLA-compliant Torpedo Weapon Counterwork Simulation architecture. Such pivotal techniques as general federate software framework design, federation synchronization and statistical simulation are investigated. Consequently an underwater counterwork distributed interactive simulation synthesized experimental environment is set up, under which several typical counterwork simulation tests are carried out. This research is processed in combination with the engineering project: "Torpedo Weapon Counterwork Simulation System". The main contributions are as follows:1. A document review is made to analyze the present status and trend of underwater warfare simulation domestic and abroad, research on the aspects of architecture, communication, time mechanism, scalability and interoperability of HLA. This provides a friendly GUI to automatically set time management strategy and publication/subscription declaration and effectively implements consistent interface between RTI and simulation models.2. According to unduly predigesting or not matching of models complexity, a kind of models allocation approach applicable in PC for torpedo simulation is present. In this way, we divide the torpedo model into two parts, one is dynamics models based on six freedoms and another is torpedo self guidance models. The former is as a federate individual, the latter combines with the targets circumstance generation model which separated from targets and decoys models to form the underwater acoustic countermeasure federate. The results indicate that this method improve the simulation accuracy and the real time performance as well.3. Primary factors such as measured error and environmental noises impacted on the simulation results are analyzed. Moreover, experimentation schemes for underwater weapon counterwork simulation system are researched. Statistical Simulation is carried out recurring to the auto reset technology. Technology such as time synchronization, data collection and analysis, simulation replaying is resolved. Finally, under one initial condition, the statistical results are educed These works make a rewarding exploration in statistical simulation based on distributed interactive simulation.4. The time performance of the simulation system is tested. By means of optimizing

  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】372