

【作者】 滕小荣

【导师】 李先国;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在金融领域的期货交易系统中,监控系统的作用至关重要。必须要实时的监控客户当前的委托、成交、资金、持仓、风险等情况,对高风险的客户及时采取措施防止或减少损失。然而传统的数据库对实时性的支持很弱,不能有效的提供实时响应,为了保证能够快速响应查询请求,在监控系统中使用了内存数据库,使得响应速度比传统的磁盘数据库有很大的提高,达到了实时监控的目的。 本文在分析内存数据库一些经典系统的基础上,对内存数据库的数据索引技术、并发控制、数据的重载及恢复等技术进行了深入的研究,并结合实际项目的需求,设计并实现了期货交易监控系统。主要完成的工作如下: 1、监控系统的总体设计:在大量调研基础上,分析了监控系统的特点和功能需求,对监控系统专用内存数据库进行了研究。 2、内存数据库设计与实现:首先,对内存数据库传统的数据索引技术—T树进行了改进,构造了新的T-tail树数据索引技术,给出了具体的操作步骤;其次,提出了新的并发控制协议,并在此基础上实现了可恢复的自旋锁技术。 3、本文设计和实现的专用内存数据库在金融监控系统中达到了快速响应和实时监控的目的。测试结果表明,内存数据库能够给监控系统提供有效的支持。

【Abstract】 Monitoring systems are crucial for time-bargin system on the financial domain. Information about current dealing, commission, capital, holding and riskes of business are necessary monitoring targets for risk control. Traditional databases have defects for real-time support, and lagged responses are inefficient. Memory databases are used in the monitoring system for quick responses. Monitoring efficiency is greatlyaccelerated with memory databases, comparing with systems using harddisk database.Based on the analysis of some classic memory database systems, this thesis focuses on the memory database index technology, concurrent control technology, data recovery and reloading technology. According to the reqiuerment of actual project, monitor of future trading system is designed and implemented. Main job completed is as following:1 、 Architect of monitor system: Based upon mass of study, feature and function of requirement is analyzed and memory database is studied.2 、 Analysis and implementation of memory database: First, traditional data index technology T tree of memory database is refined. New data index technology of T-tail tree and its conrecte procedures are proposed; Second, new concurrent control protocol is proposed, based upon which recoverable spin lock technology is implemented.3、 Memory database system in paper satisfied the need of quick response and real-time monitor.Test result demonstrated that memory database can provide effective support to financial monitor system.

  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】225