

Study of Mobile Station Electromagnetic Environments

【作者】 亓刚

【导师】 史小卫;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 环境工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在移动通信基站工程建设和日常运行中,经常发生关于“电磁辐射”的纠纷。如何按照国家环境保护的要求,在工程的前期规划和后期运行中有效避免基站的电磁辐射污染是实际工作中需要解决的问题。 本论文就是以国家环境保护局发布的国标“电磁辐射防护规定”(GB8702-88)及卫生部发布的国标“环境电磁波卫生标准”(GB9157-88)为根据,以移动通信基站为研究对象,在原理上对基站电磁波的属性、空间传输特性、基站电磁辐射的强度等进行研究,并对四个半波振子进行了仿真。通过matlab编程与仿真的结果作对比,来验证理论分析的正确性。同时在理论分析正确的基础上,依据电磁波传播模型和行业标准,计算出GSM基站符合标准的最大接收功率和最小的安全防护距离。最后根据基站电磁辐射的分布特征、特点,并结合文献中对基站实测的结果,提出一些减少电磁污染的措施和对基站建设的一些意见。本论文从环境保护的角度出发,为以后更加合理的基站建设提供相应的理论支持。

【Abstract】 In the construction and daily operation of mobile communication base station projects, there are frequent disputes on "electromagnetic radiation". The problem of how to effectively avoid the electromagnetic pollution in the prophase planning and post operation according to the state environmental protection requirements need to be solved in practice.This paper based on regulations for electromagnetic radiation protection (GB8702-88) issued by State Environmental Protection Administration of China and hygienic standard for environmental electromagnetic waves(GB9175-88)issued by Ministry of Health P.R.C, facing to the research of Mobile Communication Base Station, research about the property of electromagnetic waves in mobile base station, the peculiarity of space transmission and intension of electromagnetic radiation have been done, and the simulation results of four half-wave dipole are supplied. Through "matlab" programming and simulation results for comparison, to verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis. Meanwhile on the basis of the theoretical analysis is correct, based on electromagnetic wave propagation model and industry standards, receiving the greatest power and the minimum distance between the security and protection are calculated for GSM base station. Finally base station electromagnetic radiation characteristics of the distribution, characteristics, combining literature and the results measured on the base station. Some of the measures proposed to reduce electromagnetic pollution and some suggestions to build of the base station. The theory from the environmental protection point can be provided for the more reasonable to construct base station.

  • 【分类号】X591
  • 【下载频次】563