

The Jurisdiction of Electronic Bill of Lading

【作者】 王甜甜

【导师】 王国华;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 国际法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪,随着电子商务的迅猛发展,电子提单也必将有更为广阔的发展前景。随着电子提单的运用越来越多,因电子提单所带来的纠纷也可能增加。电子提单一般在跨国的当事人之间流转,这些当事人通常处于不同的法域之内,当因这种国际性的电子提单流转法律关系产生纠纷时,如何对其进行诉讼管辖就成为必需考虑的问题。电子提单的出现是对传统提单管辖权的挑战。本文结合对美国和欧盟等国际上关于电子提单管辖权理论与实践的分析,对我国电子提单管辖权的确定提出自己的见解。认为确立电子提单管辖权必须考虑以下权衡因素:物理位置的关联性,目的性,损害的相关性,权力衡平,契约选择,其他因素等。经分析考虑认为目前电子提单管辖权标准呈现以下发展趋势:协议管辖将得到国际社会的一致认可,弹性管辖权标准将会得到更多国家认可,传统属地性管辖权标准含义将多样化,许多新的管辖权标准将得以确立。最后,通过以上分析,并结合我国电子提单的实践和立法状况,得出结论,认为我国目前海上货物运输合同纠纷没有必要增加新的管辖地;对涉及电子提单的买卖合同纠纷,应当给予在途货物的买卖合同纠纷中履行地以新的理解;当事人与提供电子数据传输的第三人之间的服务合

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of E-commerce in this century, electronic bill of lading is going to have its capacious foreground. Therefore, the amount of disputes brought by the electronic bill of lading probably will increase for the more and more use of electronic bills of lading. Currently the electronic bills of lading are moved among parties from different countries belonging to different legal regions, and the jurisdiction of such disputes becomes the question to be solved at present.The appearance of electronic bill of lading gradually forms a challenge to the traditional jurisdiction of bill of lading. This essay brings forward its own opinion of the jurisdiction of bill of lading of our country, after analyzing the correlated theory and practice of United States and the EU. To establish the jurisdiction of electronic bill of lading, several elements

  • 【分类号】D997
  • 【被引频次】2
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