

Research on Adsorption-Liquefaction Processes of Coalbed Methane with High Nitrogen Content

【作者】 祝家新

【导师】 林文胜;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 我国煤层气资源相当丰富,储量相当于450亿吨标准煤。煤层气开发利用既为我国国民经济提供一种优质清洁能源,又对增进煤矿安全、降低温室气体排放等有重要意义。煤层气利用面临的一个主要障碍是单个矿井煤层气产量较小,且煤层气产地往往远离现有天然气管网,即使离管网较近也由于气质差别较大不能直接入网。采用液化方法是解决煤层气从产地向使用地运输的一种有效手段。煤层气本身可能含有较多氮气,或者在开采过程中有可能注入氮气,因而煤层气相对一般的天然气很可能含有更多氮气。高含氮量煤层气的液化与一般天然气的液化方案会有明显不同。本文重点分析先通过吸附方式分离氮气再进行浓缩甲烷液化的技术方案。针对特定组分的煤层气从预处理到液化做了实验和理论两方面的探讨,为解决高含氮量煤层气液化提供了一条技术途径。本文根据现有条件以及相关资料对高含氮量的煤层气的吸附-液化过程开展了以下研究工作:(1)利用氮气替代甲烷使用吸附实验台进行了脱水和脱二氧化碳研究。实验使用水分仪和气相色谱仪分别测出脱水过程吸附曲线和脱二

【Abstract】 Currently, our country boasts its abundant coalbed gas resources, which can be converted to 45 billion tons of standard coal. The development and applications of this alternative clean and premium energy resource will also contribute to the promotion of coal mine safety as well as the lowering of green house gases emissions. The primary obstacle faced by coalbed methane utilization is the low production of single coalbed mine. At the same time, the production sites of coalbed methane are usually far from gas pipe network, and the gas quality variation also make it impossible to inlet the gas into the pipeline, even though is the sites are near the pipe network. The adoption of liquefaction is an effective method to transport coalbed methane from production site to the customers.Coalbed methane itself may contain larger amount of nitrogen compared with natural gas. Nitrogen may also be added into coalbed methane during

  • 【分类号】TD841
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】513