

Differential Power Analysis of AES and Anti-DPA Techniques

【作者】 秦晗

【导师】 周玉洁;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 电路与系统, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近来随着旁路攻击SCA(Side Channel Attack)这种依靠加密过程中泄露的功耗,时间与电磁辐射等物理信息来破解密钥的分析方式被提出,加密算法与协议本身的更新已经无法提供足够的防护。因此目前的芯片设计中急需增加对旁路攻击的防护。本文选取新的对称数据加密算法——高级加密标准AES(Advanced Encryption Standard)为加密芯片的基本算法,讨论并研究针对AES的旁路攻击的一种——差分功耗分析DPA(Differential Power Analysis)攻击的实现及其防范技术。本文在介绍了AES与旁路攻击的基础上,引入差分功耗分析的原理和实现,并大致按照出现的时间顺序介绍了已有的防护手段和它们各自的特点,然后详细介绍本文使用的设计方案和具体实现,最后给出实验环境搭建方法和实验结果分析。实践证明本文的设计方案给基于AES的安全芯片提供了较好的针对DPA的防护。

【Abstract】 Since the introduction of the so-called Side Channel Attack, which makes use of the information leaked through encryption process, such as power consumption, timing and electromagnetic radiation, solely updating encryption algorithm and protocol is not enough to provide security for encryption system. Thus presently in encryption chips design, special protection against Side Channel Attack should be considered.In this thesis, AES(Advanced Encryption Standard)was chosen to be the encryption algorithm for the study of DPA(Differential Power Analysis), which is one type of Side Channel Attack. The main target of this thesis is to study how to carry DPA out and how to protect encryption systems against it.After description of the basic knowledge of AES and SCA, the theory and implementation of DPA are introduced. Then historial studies of the anti-DPA methods are discussed and an improved detailed design is given. Finally the testing and measurement environment is given and the experiment result is analyzed. The experiment result shows that the chip design of this thesis can provide a relatively good protection against DPA for encryption chips using AES algorithm.

  • 【分类号】TN918
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】351