

【作者】 施靖

【导师】 曾励; 张乐平;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 机械工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 冰箱作为白色家电,已成为人们日常生活中重要的家电之一。冰箱真空吸塑成型机作为冰箱生产、制造行业的一个重设备,其性能的稳定,生产的节拍快慢,将直接关系到整个产品的优劣和生产的产能。本文结合本公司实际生产的工况情况,对FLTP-759型真空吸塑成型机提出了改进思路和想法,完成了总体机械结构恢复和设备整体工艺布局。对冰箱的主要构成部件作了简单介绍,并针对冰箱的内胆成型过程与成型方法作了介绍。比较了单工位真空吸塑成型机和多工位真空吸塑成型机优缺点。在改进设计中对多工位真空吸塑成型机结构原理、结构特点等做了较详细的研究和论述。并对吸塑机的加热原理,加热类型,真空度要求等因素进行了深入分析。并提出了适合本设备改造的技术方案。在此基础上,根据其性能参数,进行了设备的选型。然后针对FLTP-759型真空吸塑成型机温度控制系统和真空度控制系统,分别进行了硬件和PLC程序设计。以友好美观的人机交互界面、较高的控制水平,圆满地完成了恢复改造任务。最后针对温度控制系统进行建模,并采用模糊PD组合控制策略的研究。该机恢复后,整个系统较好的恢复了原机的性能参数。重新设计开发的温度与真空度控制系统运行稳定,控制精度完全达到设计和使用要求。

【Abstract】 The refrigerator, one kind of white appliances, has been becoming one of the mostimportant household appliances in dally life. The plastic absorber, as one of the mostimportant equipments in the production line of the refrigerator, its stability andproducing of rhythm rate of speed play an important role in the production ofrefrigerators.This paper introduced the type and the development technology of the plasticabsorber FLTP-759 according to work conditions. Resume the whole machanicalstructure and complet the technical arrangement.Make a simple introduction of theprimary part of bridge and the process and method of inner part of the body. It also givethe difference between plastic-absorbing machine with single working position and themachine with multi-working positions.Then the structure characteristics…etc of themachine have been studied deeply. On the base of the deep analyses of heatingmechanism, type of heater and degree of vacuum, the machine’s type has been fixedaccording to functional requirements. And promote a technic scheme which is suitablefor the equipment reconstruction. The hardware and code of PLC of the controllers oftemperature and vacuum on FLTP-759 have been designed. With the sodality and slinkymen-machine exchengeable interface, and the more advanced comtrol level, thereconstruction task is perfectly completed. At the same time, the model of temperatureof FLTP-759 has been built and its fuzzy-PID controller has been studied deeply anddiscussed in detail.After recovered, the whole system work correctly as same as the prototypemachine.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 01期
  • 【分类号】TQ320.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】216