

Cultural Default and Translation Compensation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory

【作者】 陈长颖

【导师】 杨纳让;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 外国语言文学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从关联理论的研究角度对文化缺省进行了探讨,力图对这一问题获得系统认识,并根据关联理论中的最佳关联原则找出合理、有效的翻译补偿策略。由于本文把写作和翻译都看作是交际活动,因此并不区分句子意义和话语意义。本文把翻译看作一个动态的过程。从关联理论的角度看,翻译是借助语言在两种文化之间进行的交际活动。这个过程不可避免涉及原作者、译者和译语读者三方的认知活动。文化缺省是作者与其意向读者交流时对双方共有的相关文化背景知识的省略,它是认知交际过程的自然结果。但由于文化缺省是一种特殊的文化现象,而原文作者和译语读者的认知环境不同,文化缺省很可能在跨文化语篇交际中导致误读或理解障碍。这就需要译者发挥其在跨文化交际中的作用,在译语中采取必要的连贯策略,使读者对语篇做出正确解读。全文共分六部分。第一章引言部分简要回顾了翻译理论研究的现状,包括认知理论和文化“回归”对翻译研究的影响。既然文化缺省本质上是交际中涉及认知心理的问题,关联理论是以认知为主的交际理论,作者认为,关联理论理所当然能够为文化缺省及其翻译补偿提供解释力。第二章系统的讨论了文化缺省,阐明了文化缺省的生成机制及交际价值。文化缺省与传统的省略衔接方式不同,它所省略的内容通常不在语篇内,它是通过激活接受者长期记忆中具体的文化图式来建立连贯关系的。第三章提出了由于文化缺省引起的翻译问题。在翻译实践中,由于译者自身文化知识的预测不足,加上文化预设对译者所造成的干扰,由文化缺省引起的翻译问题屡见不鲜。本章主要列举了三种常见的翻译问题:欠额翻译、过度翻译及误译。第四章提出关联理论和交际活动。重点讨论了关联理论对翻译研究的贡献,认为关联理论为翻译研究提供了统一的理论模式,分析了两种交际模式:代码模式和格莱斯推理模式的优缺点,并介绍了关联理论的几个重要观点以及Sperber & Wilson提出的改进后的推理模式。第五章根据关联原则提出了文化缺省的翻译补偿模式,并列出了译文可能产生的语境效果以及译者可能采取的翻译策略。通过例证,作者指出,译者采用的翻译策略只有与最佳关联原则相一致才是有效的。同时,译者采取的翻译策略应根据具体的翻译目的,文本类型以及特定的语境而变化。此外,本文在分析大量译例的基础上对现有的各种处理文化缺省的方法逐一分析其优劣,从而为译者选择恰当的方法翻译文化缺省的意象提供一个参考。文

【Abstract】 This thesis attempts to expound the phenomenon of cultural default from the perspective of relevance theory and to explore some strategies to compensate cultural default in translation in accordance with the optimal relevance. Since writing and translation are both regarded as communication, sentence meaning and utterance meaning are not differentiated here.Translation in this thesis is not considered as a static process, but rather as a dynamic one. In the relevance-theoretic framework, translation is an act of communication carried out between two cultures through the medium of language, which involves the cognition of three parts: the original writer, the translator, and the target reader. Cultural default is defined as the absence of relevant cultural background knowledge shared by the author and his intended reader. It is the natural result of the cognitive process of communication. Since it is a culture-specific phenomenon and the cognitive environment of the original writer and that of the target reader are different, cultural default often results in misreading or incoherent understanding in cross-cultural communication. This highlights the translator’s responsibility as a mediator between cultures. Relevance theory, with cognition and communication as its core, sheds light on this phenomenon as it is manifested in translation.This thesis consists of six parts. Chapter one is the introduction. In the introduction, a brief survey is given of the latest developments in translation studies, namely, the influence of cognitive theory and relevance theory as well as the cultural turn in this field. Since cultural default is by nature a cognitive and psychological matter in communication and relevance theory is a cognition-focused theory of communication; the author points out that relevance theory should have interpretative power for cultural default and its compensation in translation.Chapter two begins with the definition of default. It indicates the mechanism and communication value of cultural default. Different from ellipsis, the slot left by cultural default can not be filled by information from preceding utterances, but rather the cultural assumption schemas stored in the long-term memory.Chapter Three presents translation problems posed by cultural default. Problems posed by cultural default are not rare in our translation practices. They fall into three groups: undertranslation, overtranslation and mistranslation.

  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1039