

Research on Chassis Assembly Process Plan of Certain Type Fuel Cell Vehicle of Batch Production

【作者】 胡静

【导师】 张为民;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 燃料电池汽车与传统燃油汽车相比,无论起动、传动还是制动等都发生了根本性变化,所以底盘的布置与装配显得尤其重要。目前,某型燃料电池汽车的样车和试验都已经完成,但是进入市场批量生产,实现产业化仍有很多障碍,其中“高成本”成为最大问题,并且仅有的单台试验样车的手工装配方式不适合批量生产,批量生产解决的问题是现有燃油汽车装配工装及流程的重用以降低成本和时间,保证质量稳定。本文首先介绍了某型燃料电池车的底盘结构和布置情况,根据燃料电池车整体布局制订了单台实验车的装配工艺,完成了样车试制,总结了样车试制过程中出现的问题及其解决方法;同时按照企业现有的燃油汽车装配生产线初步制订了燃料电池车批量生产底盘装配工艺;然后进一步以氢瓶总成预装工艺为例,使用EM-Assembler软件对初步制订的氢瓶总成装配工艺进行仿真,验证所制订装配工艺的可行性以及合理性。

【Abstract】 Compared with the traditional fuel oil automobile, Fuel cell vehicle has fundamental changes on its starting, transmission and braking systems etc. Therefore, the chassis arrangement and assembly process appeared especially important. The testing fuel cell automobile and experiment have already completed at present, but entering batch production, realizing industrialization still have very many barriers in which "the high cost" becomes the most major problem. Besides, the existed single testing car manual assembly way is not suitble for batch production. Batch production need to solve the problem which is the reuses of the existing fuel oil automobile chassis assembly tools、equipments and the production flow to reduce cost and time, and guarantee that the quality is stable.This article introduced the structure and arrangement mode of certain type fuel cell vehicle chassis firstly, single testing car assembly process is formulated according to the overall layout of fuel cell vehicle, the testing vehicle trial manufacture has been completed, the problems and their solutions which appeared in the testing vehicle trial manufacture process are summarized; Simultaneously, the initial fuel cell vehicle chassis assembly process for batch production is formulated referring to the existed fuel oil automobile assembly production line in the enterprise; Then, take the hydrogen bottle unit assembly process as an example, the preliminary formulated pre-assembly process for batch production is simulated using the software EM-Assembler to confirm its feasibility and rationality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】U469.722
  • 【下载频次】131