

Study on Discharging Characteristics of External Melt Ice-on-coil Thermal Storage System

【作者】 刘淑娟

【导师】 于航;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 蓄冷空调是对电网进行“移峰填谷”调节的有力措施,外融冰系统以其出水温度低、取冷速率高且稳定、可与低温送风系统相结合的优点已经越来越多地引起人们的重视。对于外融冰系统的研究,国内外研究学者大多集中于蓄冰过程的探索,对决定外融冰系统运行控制的取冷特性研究较少,因此可得到的取冷特性资料也相对较少,而掌握外融冰取冷特性对于系统的优化设计、性能的准确预测以及指导设计应用有着重要的作用。 为了更好的指导工程应用,本文在某外融冰空调系统实际工程以及前人所作研究的基础上,寻找水平流场外融冰取冷特性的规律,并尝试提出一种简便描述水平流场外融冰系统取冷特性的方法。 本文在ASHRAE-RP-459外融冰取冷数学模型的基础上建立了简化数学模型,并在此模型的指导下设计完成了取冷周期为8小时的水平流场外融冰系统取冷实验。通过对实验结果的分析研究,本文分析了外融冰系统的取冷特性;提出当量融冰半径的概念并确定当量融冰半径随融冰无量纲时间呈线性变化的趋势;通过计算机模拟结果与实验结果的比较,认为采用当量融冰半径描述外融冰取冷特性的问题具有一定的可行性,将此数学模型进一步改进应具有一定的实际应用价值;最后根据本课题研究过程的总结,分析了该模型需要改进的方向。

【Abstract】 Because external-melt ice-on-coil thermal storage system could extract low-temperature water lastingly and steadily, it could achieve large difference in temperature water supply and combine with low temperature air supply, being paid much attention by engineers. However , many researchers have concentrated on the cooling-charging characteristics and few have focus on the cooling-discharging characteristics which have determined the operation of external-melt ice-on-coil thermal storage system.In order to get materials which could guide engineering practice , the article try to find a simple way to describe the ice-melt characteristics of the external-melt system in the level flow field .Based on the ASHRAE-RP-459 external-melt math model, this article advances a simplified equation and builds the experiment platform which ice-melt period is 8 hours to validate this simplified model, then gets the discharging characteristics and the temperature changing condition of flow field for the external-melt ice-on-coil system in the level flow field under the agitation condition.According to the results of the experiments , the article defined the equivalent radius of icicle and give the conclusion that the equivalent radius vary linearly with the ice-melt period .The article simulated the supply temperature and the cooling discharge rate using the method of equivalent radius,and compared to the values getting from the experiments. At last, this paper analyzed that the method has the feasibility but should be improved in future time.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】TU831.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】261