

The Research of the Processes of Deep Drawing Quality Galvanized Sheet Steel Produced by IF Steel

【作者】 李锋

【导师】 蒋奇武; 于宁;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁科技大学 , 材料工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 为应对国内镀锌板在建材市场上的恶性价格竞争,占领家电板市场,提高鞍钢镀锌板产品质量及盈利水平,满足家电业对镀锌面板加工成形性和涂装性的要求,开发高表面质量的深冲镀锌板有重要的实际应用价值。鞍钢镀锌板生产线是改良森吉米尔法热镀锌生产线,为适应该生产线加热炉较短、加热冷却速度快的特点,选择冷轧Nb+Ti-IF钢为原料,利用混合正交试验设计方法设计了2因素4水平的试验方案,利用GLEEBLE-3800进行了热模拟退火试验,通过拉伸试验检测钢板的力学性能,通过光学显微镜观察了金相组织,通过透射电镜研究了第二相粒子形态与成分,通过X光衍射分析测定了钢板的织构,综合分析上述试验结果,找出了适合生产的连续退火工艺;并在工业试验中,通过调整了炉内气氛、锌锅工艺、光整拉矫工艺,生产出了机械性能、表面质量优良的深冲热镀锌板。综上研究,得到的主要结论如下:1)连续退火温度对于Nb+Ti-IF钢板力学性能有显著影响;带钢屈服、抗拉强度随连续退火温度的升高而不断下降,在860℃之后逐渐趋于稳定并可以得到良好的综合力学性能。2) Nb+Ti-IF钢板{111}织构强度沿板厚方向呈不均匀分布,表面层强度较弱,中部较强,且表面层存在弱的α织构组分;第二相的形态、大小及分布与连续退火温度有重要的关系,退火温度低时第二相析出较为细小弥散,温度升高,第二相聚集长大。3) Nb+Ti-IF钢板在连续退火时,控制带速的快慢可以调控r值和伸长率,连续退火速度较快时可以得到高的r值和伸长率。4)在工业试制中,通过采用860℃的退火工艺可以保证Nb+Ti-IF钢板成品的力学性能达到:A8038%、n值0.20、r值2.0,满足了用户对力学性能的要求。5)在工业试制中,采用镀层质量控制方法可以保证得到良好的镀层结合力,冷弯0a合格,表面质量符合FB的要求,满足了用户对镀层质量的要求。

【Abstract】 For facing price competition in national galvanized strip construction material market, entering home application material market, and improving Ansteel’s galvanized strip product quality to meet the cold applying and coating requirement of galvanized strip used on home application products, it is necessary to develop high surface quality and deep drawing quality galvanized steel, and develop the process of producing deep drawing quality galvanized steel which can fit in Ansteel galvanizing line.Ansteel galvanizing lines are modified Sendzimir lines. Its in-line annealing furnace has the characteristic of rapid heating and rapid cooling. For fit the furnace characteristic and produce high quality products, a 2-factors and 4-levers experiment plan was designed and the thermo simulate experiment had been done by GLEEBLE-3800, the mechanical properties were got by tensile test, the microstructure was observed by optical micrometer, the 2nd phase and its composition was measured by TEM and EDS, the texture was measured by ODF, based on the results, the optimized annealing process had been got.In the industrial experiment, the furnace atmosphere, the zinc pot chemistry and skin pass and tension leveller process were modified, the deep drawing quality galvanized steels which had better mechanical properties and better surface qualities were produced. The main conclusions are followed:1. The yield strength and tension strength are reduced when annealing temperature increases, but when the annealing temperature is above 860 degree, the yield strength and tension strength reach the minimum value.2. The {111} texture varies at sheet thickness direction, it is low around the surface and high in the middle, and there is some a texture around the surface. The shape, size and distribution of the 2nd phase are affected by annealing temperature, the 2nd phase is small and widely distributed when annealing temperature is low, and is large when annealing temperature is high.3. The line speed mainly affects the r-value and the elongation of the steels. Line speed faster, r-value and elongation higher.4. The product mechanical properties when the strips are annealed at 860 degree can meet the requirement of technical contact, such as A80≥38%、n-value≥0.20、r-value>2.0.5. The coat quality control method expressed in this thesis can insure good coat adhesion (0a cold bend, pass) and the FB surface quality.

  • 【分类号】TG335
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