

Research on the Deposition of Lianyungang’s Deep-water Navigation Channel on Muddy Coast

【作者】 黄志扬

【导师】 张玮;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 淤泥质海岸粘性细颗粒泥沙的运动问题是港口海岸工程研究的重要内容之一。为了适应船舶大型化的要求,港池和航道的维护水深逐渐加大,疏浚维护工程费用相应提高。因此,研究淤泥质海岸粘性细颗粒泥沙的运动规律,探讨航道淤积强度的计算方法,无论对已有港口的疏浚、整治,还是对淤泥质海岸海港的选址以及深水航道的合理规划都具有很强的现实意义。 本文分析总结了我国淤泥质海岸,特别是连云港海区的地貌特征,底床冲刷机制以及粘性细颗粒泥沙在波浪、潮流两种水动力条件下的运动规律。通过综合考虑波浪、潮流两种动力因素对泥沙运动的影响,建立连云港大范围的二维水沙数学模型。运用建立的模型,得到连云港海区大范围的年平均含沙量场,并分析了连云港海区泥沙运动的总体趋势。 采用7万吨级外航道实测回淤强度和泥沙数学模型的计算结果分析航道沿程淤积强度的变化规律,并用数学模型计算外航道两侧南北抛泥区疏浚弃土流失对航道回淤的影响。为了给连云港港外航道的扩建工程提供科学参考,运用已建模型分析连云港港扩建工程对港区附近潮流流态和泥沙运动的影响,进而预报连云港港扩建后15万吨级、30万吨级两种不同航道等级的淤积强度。预报结果表明,在正常天气情况下,连云港港外航道扩建后的泥沙淤积量增加有限,依靠维护性疏浚可以保证正常通航。 最后,初步探讨了航槽浚深和航槽底宽对航道回淤强度的影响。研究表明,对于某确定位置的航道,一方面航道淤积强度随航道浚深的增加而增加,增加的幅度逐渐降低;另一方面,航道淤积强度随航道底宽的增加而减小,减小的幅度逐渐降低,但淤积总量却是逐渐增加。

【Abstract】 The study about the sediment motion on the muddy coast is an important part of the research about the harbour and coastal engineering. In order to accommodate the enlargement of ship, the maintenance depth of the harbour basin and navigation channel were increased gradually. As a result, the compensation for preventing or reducing deposition are usually very high. Therefore, there is very practical significance in the study on the mud motion and the prediction of the deposition rate. This study not only help to the channel regulation of the built harbours, but also have good to the planning of new harbours.The geomorphic feature, scour process of muddy coast are analysed in the paper. The water-sediment numerical simulation model under the action of wave and tidal current is built and validated. Adopted the model, the mean annual sediment distribution of Lianyungang Sea was obtained. Moreover, the general trend of sediment motion in Lianyungang Sea was analyed.By the field data and numerical simulation model, the deposition distribution was studied. Moreover, the effect of the dumpling material to the channel is simulated. In order to offer a scientific reference for Lianyungang Harbor’s approaching channel extension project, the paper not only discuss the effect of the extension project to the flow pattern and sediment motion, but also forecast the deposition rate of the channel after the extension project. The study shows that the total deposition of the approaching channel is not serious, and the normal navigation can ensured by the dredging.Finally, the effect of the channel depth and the channel width to the channel deposition were discussed preliminarily. The study shows that, in an ascertain channel, on one hand, the deposition increases as channel depth increasing, and the increasing extent goes down; on the other hand, the channel deposition rate and amount reduce as the channel width increasing, and the decreasing extent goes down.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】TV148
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】731