

Introspection and Reconstruction of Student Management Model of Chinese General Colleges and Universities

【作者】 付瑞霞

【导师】 蔡琼;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2006, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国社会主义法治进程的不断深入,人们法治理念的不断增强,我国的普通高校也被纳入到了整个国家的法治进程之中去。这对于普通高校来说,既是一种选择,也是积极主动融入法治大环境中的必然要求。学生管理是普通高校工作的一个重要领域,近几年来,大学生状告母校的诉讼案件不断增加,一方面反映了大学生权利意识和法治意识的不断提高,懂得用法律来维护自己的权益不受侵犯;另一方面说明学生管理是普通高校法治进程中一个薄弱的领域。普通高校是为国家培养社会主义现代化高素质人才的地方,学生管理的目标就是培养人、教育人。大学生状告母校案件的不断增加表明,高校“无讼”的历史已经成为过去,倘若还以传统的家长制作风来管理学生,普通高校可能将会面临着更多的诉讼,维护学校正常教育教学秩序,培养优秀人才的管理目标就很难实现。目前普通高校学生管理的理念、管理方法和管理模式很难适应新形势发展的需要,法治精神的深入人心要求高校管理者重构一种新的管理模式,那就是以法治理念为核心的管理模式。本文笔者主要从法治理念的角度来探究我国普通高校学生管理模式。结合法理学、行政法学、教育管理学等多学科的理论知识,采用综合分析、案例分析、对比分析等方法,在指出我国传统普通高校学生管理模式弊端的基础上,提出重新构建一种以法治理念为核心的普通高校学生管理模式,以期对处于迷茫、彷徨状态的高校学生管理人员起到参考借鉴作用。本文将从以下三个方面来进行探究:第一,明确指出构建以法治理念为核心的普通高校学生管理模式的重要性和必然性。法治与高校学生管理相结合是高校管理者顺应依法治国、依法治校大环境的必然选择,那么在我国各项事业以法治作为指导思想的社会大环境下,以法治理念为核心的普通高校学生管理模式有利于依法治校基本目标的实现;有利于大学生维权意识的进一步提高;有利于大学生自身的成长成才;有利于我国高等教育改革的进一步推进;有利于防止管理者权力扩张,大学生合法权益的维护;有利于实现以人为本的终极目标;有利于构建高校和谐校园。第二,找出我国传统普通高校学生管理模式存在的弊端,并对其产生的原因进行深刻剖析。随着我国市场经济的发展和依法治国进程的不断加快,形成于计划经济时期的传统学生管理模式已不适应我国目前高校学生管理的需要,这种经验型、家长专制式的管理模式不符合法治的基本精神。传统模式的学生管理在管理的过程中存在忽视学生的主体地位、缺少学生的参与性、时而侵犯学生的合法权利、部分学校内部的学生管理规章制度存

【Abstract】 Along with the gradual deepening of the process of socialist rule of law, the deepening of people’s understanding of the law’s concept, our colleges and universities have been integrated into the process of the whole country’s law. For some colleges and universities, this is an option, and an inevitable demand of active integration into the environment of law. Student management is an important field in work of some colleges and universities, in recent years, cases of university students suing their Alma Maters have increased. This phenomenon, on the one hand, reflects the students’increasing awareness of the right and the rule of law. Because they know how to use law to protect their rights from infringement; on the other hand, it reflects that student management in general colleges and universities is a weak line in the process of the rule of law. General colleges and universities are agencies training high-quality personnel for socialist modernization, and the goal of student management is to train and educate students. The increasing cases of university students using their Alma Maters indicate that the history of no litigation in colleges and universities has become a thing of the past. Therefore if the traditional patriarchal style is still applied to the management of students, general colleges and universities may face more litigation. And the objects of safeguarding education and teaching order, cultivating outstanding talents will be difficult to achieve. Currently the concept of student management, the management methods and the management models in general colleges and universities often fail to meet the needs of the new situation. Since the rule of law has taken root in colleges and universities. The administrators are required to rebuild a new management model, ie. the management model with the concept of the rule of law at the core.The author probes into the models of student management in Chinese common colleges and universities primarily from the perspective of the concept of the rule of law. The author integrates multidisciplinary theoretical knowledge of jurisprudence, administrative law, education and management, and adopts the methods of analysis, case analysis, comparison analysis; point out the defects of the traditional management model in Chinese general colleges and universities and putting forward a proposal to reconstruct a model of student management with the concept of the rule of law at the core, which may be used for reference to the confused college administrators who are hesitating at the crossroads. The article will explore the problem from the three aspects:First, the author declares the importance and necessity of constructing a management model in general colleges and universities with the concept of rule of law at the core. The combination of the rule of law and management of college students is the essential choice for the college administrators to comply with the environment of administrating a country and colleges according to law. In the social circumstances where all kinds of undertakings are guided by the

  • 【分类号】G647.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】977