

Study on Developing Strategy of Chinese Agricultural Academic Journals during Net and Information Epoch

【作者】 周桂莲

【导师】 张保军;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业信息, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的农业科技期刊自19世纪末诞生以来,在传播农业科技信息、繁荣农业学术思想、推动农业科技创新、促进农业成果转化方面做出了巨大贡献。进入21世纪之后,网络技术日益发达,我国也基本上实现了信息的网络化传播,但由于期刊具有定期、连续、固定的出版特点,加之具有严格的国家期刊管理制度,目前人们仍普遍认为农业科技期刊是记载、报道、传播农业科技信息的最重要、最可靠的知识载体,也是促进农业科技创新的重要平台。然而,网络传播为提高期刊编审工作效能、扩大期刊影响力提供了更好的条件,同时也对期刊的质量和编辑素质提出了更高的要求:要求期刊内容必须站在本学科内容的最前沿,刊登的文章必须能够反映我国农业科学的水平,同时其内容要保持最大程度的真实性和准确性;要求期刊编辑人员要有敏捷的信息意识、较快的知识更新速度和现代化的编辑工作能力,并且要根据网络市场情况对期刊进行出版经营。要达到这些要求,让期刊在网络传播环境下得到更好的发展,就必须找到存在的问题,然后针对问题提出发展对策。笔者通过对206位农业科技工作者的问卷调查以及对全国农业科技期刊现状的分析,发现我国农业科技期刊业目前存在的主要问题为:①管理体制不健全,基本上还是计划经济模式,真正意义上的市场化竞争尚未形成,分散办刊和重复办刊导致农业科技期刊数量虽然众多,但总体实力较弱;②编辑队伍总体素质不高,多数编辑只会就稿编稿,专业学识高、责任心强、能够熟练地使用网络工具既懂编辑出版,又善于经营管理的优秀编辑人才很少;③期刊总体质量较低,所发表的论文普遍存在创新性和实用性不强、非信息成分多等问题;④期刊出版周期和论文发表时滞偏长:双月刊和季刊分别占农业科技期刊总数的44.6%和28.8%,多数期刊从收稿到论文发表的时间在6个月以上;⑤网络化出版进度慢:我国农业科技主要是在中国知网(原中国期刊网)等综合性商业网站上进行网络出版,但目前至少还有30%的期刊没有全文上网。针对上述问题提出了如下发展对策:①激活用人机制,走人才强刊之路:让期刊编辑在职称评定等方面与教学、科研人员享有同等待遇,以吸引优秀的主编人才,并给主编一定的用人自主权,加强主编的主管意识和编辑人员的竞争意识。②对学术类期刊统一分级管理,培育核心竞争优势:由国家权威部门按照科学的现代文献计量学和期刊评价方法对农业学术期刊统一分级,将真正优秀的期刊挑选出来,给予重点扶持,以培育我国农业科技期刊的核心竞争优势,促进名牌、精品期刊的形成。③对技术类期刊加强政策引导,推行集约化、产业化办刊模式:鼓励同类或同地区期刊之间的联合办刊以及强刊、大刊对弱小期刊的兼并,形成期刊群体或期刊集团,以强大的实力去占领市场;或采用股份合作制方式,与相关农业企业合作办刊、融进资金、利益共享。④改变对科研人员发表论文的情况进行考核时重数量轻质量的做法,提高农业科技论文的学术水平和技术含量。⑤采取综合措施,全面提高期刊质量:帮助作者掌握论文写作技巧,提高论文写作质量;严格实行三级审稿制,提高论文审核质量;敦促编辑切实掌握论文加工技巧,提高论文编校质量;加快出版频率和编辑进程,缩短论文发表时滞。⑥利用现有网站条件,全面实现网络化出版:技术性期刊在综合性网站上初步实现网络化出版,学术类期刊在“中国科技论文在线”实现开放存取。⑦建立网络出版集团,推动优秀农业学术性期刊网络化与国际化齐头并进:建议由中国农业科学院农业信息研究所牵头,依托中国农学会农业科技情报分会、中国农学会农业图书馆分会、中国农学会农业科技期刊分会等机构和《中国农业科学》、《作物学报》等名牌农业学术期刊编辑部,来组建中国农业学术期刊网络出版集团,采取理事会或股东会管理、编印与发行相分离的运行模式,以带动和促进其他农业学术期刊的国际化发展。

【Abstract】 The Chinese agricultural academic journal has made a great contribution to extension of agricultural information, prosperity of agricultural academic thought, promotion of agricultural science and technology, and utilization of agricultural achievements since it was appeared in end of 19th century. Along with the development of net techniques in 21st century, some information was disseminated by means of net in China. Because of characters of agricultural academic journal in fix date, consecution, regular publication and the serial national administration systems in journal publication, most people believe that the agricultural academic journal is the most important medium in recording, reporting, and extending of agricultural sci-tech information.However, the development of net has supplied a convenient condition for the edit oration and extension of journal. At the same time, the development of net has make higher demands to journal quality. To meet these demands and extend the journal under net environment, the problems faced in journal development must be found, and then countermeasure must be given out.Through investigation to 206 agricultural experts and analysis to the situation of agricultural academic journal, the major problems of the Chinese agricultural academic journal development are as follows: 1. Although number of journal is more, the general strength is weaker because of poor administration and repetition, disperse of journal. 2. Lack exemplary editor having advantages in professional field etc., edit oration and administrator having an intimate knowledge of journal development is another problem. 3. The general quality of journal is poor because of limited innovation of paper, poor print of journal, and more useless information. 4. Some of journal (at least 30%)did not use net efficiently for its extension.In accordance with the problems, some countermeasures were advanced.1. Personal system should be improved, such as increasing salary, giving the editor-in-chief more power in personal administration.2. Government or authority agency should classify the academic journal and supply an equal competition environment. Based on the classification, government supplies enough support to important journal and help to form competition advantage in field journal development.3. Based on the market rule, some administration policies that encourage merge of unimportant technique journal to form journal group should be carried out. Some technique journals could be co-sponsored by institution and enterprise. This will be important to journal development in financial budget. At the same time, enterprise may get some benefits.4. Evaluation mold focusing on the quantity of paper and overlooking the quality of paper to agricultural experts should be improved. This will be useful to the increase of paper quality in agricultural academic journal.5. The journal quality should given more attention by means of training author in writing skill, enhancing review of paper, increasing editor ability, and shortening the publishing period of paper.6. Using the net condition in existence, realizing netting publishing entirely.7. Setting up net publishing group, promoting the netting publishing and interna- tionalization of excellent agricultural academic journals.

  • 【分类号】G239.2-F
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