

Preparation and Bioactivity of Ti/TiO2/HA Composite Biomaterial

【作者】 陈柳珠

【导师】 李卫;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 材料学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 金属基生物医用材料优良的力学性能使其在口腔科和整形外科中得到了广泛应用。与其他金属相比,钛具有较好的生物相容性和耐蚀性,但生物活性欠佳。羟基磷灰石最大的优点是生物活性较好,但强度低、韧性差。结合二者优势的钛基羟基磷灰石复合材料具有重要的科学研究价值和很好的临床应用前景。 本文采用微弧氧化和水热处理对钛材进行表面改性,制备二氧化钛/羟基磷灰石复合膜层,系统研究了微弧氧化工艺参数和水热处理条件对膜层的影响,探讨了模拟体液条件下复合材料的生物活性。研究结果表明,在含钙磷的溶液中对钛进行微弧氧化不仅可以获得活性高的多孔二氧化钛表面层,而且可以使钙磷元素进入膜层,经后续水热处理,钙磷可以转变为羟基磷灰石。微弧氧化过程中改变电压、电流、电解液浓度可以改变膜层的形貌、晶型和钙磷含量;恒压与恒流模式中各参数对氧化效果的影响相同,但反应中的能量规律不同;随着电压的升高、电解液中钙浓度的提高和电流的增大,膜层中的微孔增大、金红石型二氧化钛增多、钙磷含量增多、钙磷比增大并且水热处理获得的羟基磷灰石衍射峰增强。用不同的水热处理介质、温度和时间可以影响羟基磷灰石的晶体形态和数量;以去离子水作为水热处理介质能够获得棒状羟基磷灰石晶体,而氨水处理能够获得粒状晶体;随着温度的升高和保温时间的延长,羟基磷灰石的衍射峰增强,晶体颗粒变大;氨水处理得到的羟基磷灰石比去离子水处理的更细小均匀。钛经过微弧氧化和微弧氧化—水热处理后都可以在模拟体液中诱导形成羟基磷灰石层,微弧氧化—水热处理的试样沉积羟基磷灰石的速度比单纯微弧氧化处理的快。低压处理(300V)和高压处理(500V)方法都能沉积羟基磷灰石层。 微弧氧化与水热处理相结合制备出的钛/二氧化钛/羟基磷灰石复合材料有较好的生物活性。

【Abstract】 The metal materials have been used widly in oral and orthopedics because of the excellent mechanical properties. Titanium has better biocompatibility and corrosion resistance ability comparing to other metals. It is surface active, and will not beget ill feedback with bone. The maximal virtue of hydroxyapatite (HA) is it’s excellent bioactivity. But it is confined in replacement of hard tissue because of the low strength and toughness. Titanium based HA composite material shows important value in research.The effect of the parameteres of microarc-oxidation (MAO) and hydrothermal synthesis (HS) on the titamnium oxide film, the bioactivity of the composite materials in the stimulated body fluid (SBF), were studied in this paper. The test results showed: The pure titanium was changed into Ti/TiO2/HA composite whose synthetical mechanical properties are equivalent to pure titanium’s and the bioactivity is super than titanium’s after modified by MAO and HS. Treated titanium with MAO in electrolyte containing Ca and P not only gets the high active porous titanium oxide, but also puts the Ca and P into the oxide. The morphology, the crystal type and the quantity of the Ca and P in the titanium oxide film can be changed by the voltage, the current, and the electrolyte. Different medium, temperature and disposed time affect the morphology, the quantity and the rime extent of the HA. Along with the rising of the voltage, the augment of the current and the Ca concentration, the apertures in the films get bigger, the rutile, the contents of Ca and P, and the ratio of Ca to P increase, the HA diffracted intensity becomes stronger. HS in the medium of deionized water gets clubbed crystal, while in the ammonia gets granular crystal. Along with the rising of the temperature and the prolonging of the disposed time, the HA diffracted intensity becomes stronger, the quantity increases and the crystals largen. Disposed in the ammonia gets more symmetrical and more finer HA than in the deionized water. Titanium induces HA forming in the SBF after treated with MAO or MAO-HS. But the MAO-HS samples get HA faster than pure MAO treated samples. Sample after low voltage treated deposits HA as well as high voltage treated.MAO combines with HS can activate the titanium surface to get excellent bioactivity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】TB332
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】390