

Studies on Constructing Criterions Abided by China and USA

【作者】 杨凯

【导师】 庄礼伟;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国际政治学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 中美建交27年来,两国关系始终是沿着起伏不平的轨迹运行。中美关系的紧张未必能阻止交往的扩大,而交往的扩大也未必能阻止危机的产生。面对错综复杂的中美关系,探寻稳定发展的共荣之路成为当务之急。在这方面,中美共守规范建设为我们提供了一个建设性的思路。 共守规范是对特定的国际问题做出适当行为的集体期望,这种期望通过权利和义务的形式得到遵守和执行。中美共守规范即指在中美关系的特定功能领域中,双方共同执行的,以权利和义务定义的特定的标准行为,其本质是中美双方为了管理其在特定问题上的行动而创设或加入的一系列制度性安排。 针对美国一贯奉行的既接触又遏制的对华战略,中国的现实选择是:在政治、经贸、军事等各领域,从低到高、从小到大、从易到难与美国建立数量更多、内容更广、级别更高的共守规范,籍此强化接触、弱化遏制。以实力促规范、以利益促规范、以沟通促规范、以规范促规范,最终形成中美共守规范体系。在中美关系“殿堂”中,共有理念是“穹顶”,共享利益是“支柱”,而共守规范则是“登堂入室之门”。只有不断完善共守规范,扩大共享利益,增强共有理念,才能保障和促进中美关系的健康稳定发展。

【Abstract】 Since established 27 years ago, the relations between China and USA have always been moving along a bumpy track. The tension of the China-USA relations can’t necessarily stop the extension of communication, and the extension of communication also can’t stop the crisis breaking out sometimes. Based on the up-and-down relations between China and USA, it is an urgent agenda nowadays to explore a stable and constructive way for China-USA co-prosperity.In this aspect, it provides us a way out to construct a set of Criterions abided by China and USA. Criterions are collective expectation for appropriate actions on specified international problems, which are complied and implemented in the form of rights and obligations. Criterions abided by China and USA are standard behavior complied and implemented by both sides, which are defined by rights and obligations in the specified realm. The essence of Criterions abided by China and USA is a series of institutional arrangement.Replying to the strategy of USA that contacts as well as contains China all through, the practical choice for China is to construct more and better Criterions abided by both sides in the realms of politics, commerce, and defense etc., which could strengthen contacting as well as weaken containing each other. The whole system of Criterions abided by China and USA would come into being with the promotion by growing strength, increasing benefits, regular communication, and individual criterion. In the hall of the China-USA relations, the beliefs held by China and USA are the roof, the shared interests are the mainstays and the criterions abided by both sides are the doors to the hall. Only if the criterions abided by China and USA have been constructed and perfected, the interests partaken by two countries have been enlarged, and the beliefs shared by both sides have been made clear, relations between China and USA could develope successfully.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】D822.3
  • 【下载频次】55