

Study on Anti-circumvention under Anti-dumping

【作者】 于慧玲

【导师】 李伯侨;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 经济法学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 规避与反规避,是在国际经济贸易竞争日益加剧的情况下,反倾销发展到一定阶段的必然产物。其中的反规避立法,作为反倾销中的敏感问题一直备受关注。反规避法律的适用有助于维护反倾销法的实施效果,但从另一个方面讲,它也容易被用作推行贸易保护主义的新手段,对各国的对外贸易和对外投资都会产生深远的影响。因此,反规避法律一产生就引起了国际社会的广泛关注。虽然目前反规避法律是以各国国内法的形式出现,国际社会还没有关于反规避的统一规则,但是随着国际反倾销法的不断发展,必定会形成WTO框架下的反规避统一规则。 目前,国际社会上反规避法律比较完善且影响较大的有欧盟的反规避立法和美国的反规避立法。本文对欧盟、美国的反规避立法做了详细的介绍,并进行了对比分析,力图总结出反规避立法的一些主要问题,以期使我国反规避立法和实践能有所借鉴。 我国企业一直深受国外反倾销之苦,国际反规避立法的发展不可避免的对我国企业的出口贸易带来了不良影响,进而影响到了我国对外经济的发展。本文对我国企业如何合理规避国外的反倾销措施提出了适当建议。 随着我国反倾销立法和实践的不断发展和完善,外国产品的出口商规避我国反倾销法的情况也初露端倪并必将呈不断增长趋势。为了对国内市场提供适当保护,近几年来我国也加紧了反规避立法的步伐。本文对我国的反规避立法进行了细致的分析,并指出我国反规避法律的一些不足之处。在此基础上借鉴欧美反规避法律的内容及其指导思想,并结合我国现实状况,对我国今后反规避法律的完善提出了一些可行性建议。

【Abstract】 Circumvention and anti-circumvention is the development of the anti-dumping law under the progressively compete of the international trade. Anti-circumvention law as the sensitive issue of anti-dumping always aroused more attention.It’s implement is helpful for safe guarding the effect of the anti-dumping law. But, on the other hand, It is possible that anti-circumventing law would be applied as a new means for protectivism. It would influence foreign trade and investment severely of all countries in the world. So anti-circumventing law has aroused extensive attention when it appears. At present, there is no a unified rule of anti-circumventing. With the development of international anti-dumping law, a unified rule of anti-circumvention must be take shape in the frame of WTO.Now, the anti-circumvention laws of EU and USA are more perfect and influential.This paper detailedly introduces the anti-circumvention laws of EU and USA and analysis about the two systems in order to summarize some main aspects of anti-circumvention law. So it would be useful for us to legislate and practice.Our enterprises have deeply suffered from the overseas anti-dumping . The development of the international anti-circumvention inevitably bring bad impact to export trade of our enterprises and our economic development .This paper giving some advice on how to reasonably circumvent anti-dumping for our enterprises.With the development of Chinese anti-dumping law, the number of circumventing our country’s anti-dumping law would increase. For protecting the domestic market, China also has been stepping up legislation about anti-circumvention law. After analyzing Chinese anti-circumvention law, the paper pointed out the shortcomings of the legislation. Benefiting from the anti-circumvention law of EU and of USA, and considering Chinese present situation, some feasible suggestions were put forward about Chinese anti-circumvention legislation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】D922.295
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】222